"I'm a little anxious." Park Yunmin said to Tanaka Chunyi, "however, you men Isn't it all like this? Tanaka, you too. "

"I..." Suddenly, Chunyi Tanaka couldn't speak. He was ashamed that he couldn't wait for Keiko Kawabata's 18th birthday. However, he has never told Park Yunmin about this matter. He has not disclosed it on the phone just now. Even all the media don't know about it. How did Park Yunmin know about these things? Tanaka Chun can't help but feel very puzzled. You look at her and say, "how do you know

"I'll see how you can't help it in the morning." Park Yunmin replied bluntly.

Suddenly, Tanaka Chunyi, this 40 year old middle-aged man's face suddenly turned red! He felt as if he had taken off his mask in front of Park Yunmin, and he was thoroughly seen by park Yunmin. He couldn't help but smile awkwardly and said, "yes Is that right? "

"Do you want to do it again?" Park Yunmin couldn't help asking.

"What?" Tanaka Chunyi suddenly raised his head and was touched by park Yunmin's words. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva and said to park Yunmin, "what did you say just now?"

"I said," do you want to do one more thing with me as you did in the morning? " Park asked.

"Why What's the matter? " Tanaka Chun asked.

"Why do you ask?" Park Yun Min said, while hanging his hands around Tanaka's neck, and then looked at his eyes with very charming eyes, and said to him, "of course, it's what we did in the lounge in the morning."

"This is the hall." "Don't be in public," Tanaka Chunyi said to park Yunmin. We've broken up. It's bad for your reputation

"What are you afraid of? Even if we break up, no one knows I have another boyfriend Park Yunmin still looks at Tanaka Chunyi with a pair of charming eyes and says to him, "or Let's go to the lounge again? "

"Good!" Tian Zhongchun, a kind of fish, couldn't resist the impulse in his heart. He missed the meal Park Yunmin gave him in the morning. As a result, Tanaka Chunyi, who never forgets Park Yunmin's body, finally strides to the rest room.

Only when he reached the door of the lounge and opened it, did he realize that he was the only one who came here. But park Yunmin, who just put all kinds of charming poses to him, doesn't know where to go now.

Tanaka Chunyi shook his head helplessly and said with a faint smile: "it turns out that the little girl is playing with me!" He was not angry, nor angry, but took what Park Yunmin said just now as a joke she made to him, and regarded Park Yunmin as a little girl who was keen on mischief. However, looking at the rest room is still a messy appearance, Tian Zhongchun can not help but go in, and quickly tidy up everything in the rest room. Then, he looked at his masterpiece, looked at the neat sofa in this room, and sure enough, he felt much more comfortable. However, whenever his eyes touched the sofa, his mind always came up with the scene that filled him with aftertaste in the morning.

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