"Mr. Tanaka..." Cheng Xuehui can't help but frown, burying his head, after a long time, she dare to look at Tanaka Chunyi, but she still dare not face up to his eyes. She took a deep breath and said to Tanaka, "I'm really pregnant. I'm sorry. "

"Sorry?" Tian zhongchunyi put on a surprised expression, looked at Cheng Xuehui, and then said to her, "why do you want to say sorry to me?"

"Mr. Tanaka, when I first joined the company, I didn't mention this matter to you. I concealed the fact that I was pregnant. I think it's my fault. " Cheng Xuehui seriously said to Tanaka Chunyi, "so I'm really sorry... "

"No. You're not sorry Tanaka Chunyi looked at Cheng Xuehui seriously and seriously, and said to her, "the person you are sorry for is not me, but you, and the child in your stomach."

Cheng Xuehui never thought that Tanaka Chunyi not only did not blame her, but also blamed her with a pair of good friends and even relatives, which made her feel very surprised and moved. She looked at Chunyi Tanaka and said to him, "Mr. Tanaka, you Don't you blame me for lying to you? "

"Strange. Of course it is. " Tanaka Chunyi was very frank with Cheng Xuehui and said, "seriously, when I first heard about your pregnancy, my heart was confused and even more angry. I think that you have joined the first film and television with such a pregnant body, which is undoubtedly of no benefit to our first film and television. On the contrary, if you encounter any danger at work, under the same injury, the compensation of first film and television may be much more than that of an ordinary person, because you are a pregnant woman. The law of the United States protects the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled, and even the cost of compensation will be very high. So, I feel very angry. But, I think, if you were not forced into a desperate situation, you would not be pregnant, but also came to my company, with the baby in the belly to film together. I think, you must have encountered some difficulties, which mother to be would be so stupid, risking the risk to work? And you've been in the entertainment industry for so long, so I think you must know how hard it is to work as an actor. But, Miss Cheng Xuehui, have you ever thought that if something happens to you, it's not me, but you and the child in your stomach who will be hurt the most. I lost a little money, or the reputation of the first film and television became bad, that's nothing. Money can be made again, and companies can be opened again. However, there is only one person, and children are so important to women. So, I think, yesterday's incident, I think, the most aggrieved person is still yourself. But I'm breaking up with Yun min these days. I'm in a bad mood, so I didn't go to the hospital to see you. I'm really sorry. I thought I would go to see you tomorrow, but I didn't expect that you could not wait to leave the hospital so soon. "

"Thank you for not blaming me, Mr. Tanaka. I lied to you, and you want to come to see me in the hospital, which makes me feel very ashamed. " Cheng Xuehui said to Chunyi Tanaka.

"By the way, you left the hospital so early. It's not because I knew you were pregnant, so I left the hospital early?" Tanaka Chunyi suddenly asked.

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