"You mean Someone will take my place in the role I was prepared for. " Cheng Xuehui said to Chunyi Tanaka.

For a long time, Tanaka Chun first acquiesced to nod. He looked at Cheng Xuehui and was silent.

"Who is it?" At this time, Cheng Xuehui feels very unconvinced in her heart. She is like a beast about to get angry. She can't help but say to Tanaka Chunyi, "who is the person who is going to replace me? Who is going to take my place

"Gold and silver jade." Tanaka Chunyi does not hesitate to look at Cheng Xuehui, said to her.

"Gold, silver and jade?" Cheng Xuehui can't help shaking her head, which is very incredible. She laughed and laughed wildly. Then she said to Tanaka, "why should she replace me? She's pregnant too With the last word, Cheng Xuehui's anger seems to have been released. She can't help but feel relieved.

"What are you talking about? Is Jin Yinyu pregnant too? " Tian Zhongchun can't help but stare at his eyes and say to Cheng Xuehui, "this But But she's only eighteen. How could she be pregnant? She is still young... "

"I don't know if she's really pregnant. But that's what she said to her boyfriend Cheng Xuehui said to Tanaka Chunyi, "I think since a girl has said so to her boyfriend, it should be true! What's more, I think that pregnancy has nothing to do with a girl's age, but has a direct relationship with whether she has a boyfriend or not. Do you think so, Mr. Tanaka? " Cheng Xuehui said to Tanaka Chunyi in a rhetorical tone.

"You are very reasonable. "Tian Zhongchun could not help nodding his head and said to Cheng Xuehui," but You seem to You're familiar with jinyinyu and her boyfriend? " Tian Zhongchun can't help but say to Cheng Xuehui.

"Her boyfriend..." Cheng Xuehui pursed her lips a little sadly, then pretended to be strong and said to Tanaka Chunyi, "it's my ex boyfriend."

"Oh Tanaka Chunyi suddenly saw Cheng Xuehui and said to her, "sorry, I didn't mean to inquire about your privacy. I'm sorry. "

"It doesn't matter." Cheng Xuehui smiles at Tanaka Chun one by one. Then, she shrugs her shoulders easily and says, "I'm ok. It's just Do you still want gold, silver and jade to take part in this role instead of me? " Cheng Xuehui can't help asking.

"This..." Tian Zhongchun looked at Cheng Xuehui thoughtfully, thought about it and said to her, "that's it! I'll ask jinyinyu to clarify this matter first. When the truth of the matter comes out, I will tell you my decision. Do you think so? "

"Good." Cheng Xuehui is very calm looking at Chunyi Tanaka, said to him. Then, as she stood up, she said to Chunyi Tanaka, "or, this way, Mr. Tanaka. I'm going to call jinyinyu and ask her to explain her affairs to you. After all, I will start to take part in the shooting tomorrow. This matter can't be delayed. Are you right, Mr. Tanaka? "

"No problem." Tian Zhongchun nodded and said to Cheng Xuehui, "it will be hard for you, Miss Cheng Xuehui. I'd like you to make a trip. " Tian Zhongchun a polite to Cheng Xuehui said.

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