"Miss Cheng Xuehui." At this time, Tanaka Chunyi easily smiles at Cheng Xuehui and says to her, "can you go back to have a rest now? You have just been discharged from the hospital. Whether you want to rest in the company or go home to have a rest, everything is up to you. "

"Mr. Tanaka, I don't have to go back. I just need to rest in the company." Cheng Xuehui said to Tanaka Chunyi, "that I went upstairs first. I was sitting next to them filming. I could have a rest and watch them filming. I had a full understanding of the plot and the acting style of each actor. After all, it will be officially filmed tomorrow. So I went out first. "

"It's not sure if you're going to film tomorrow." Tian Zhongchun said to Cheng Xuehui, "you don't have to be so anxious, and you don't have to work so hard. It's important to take good care of yourself." Tian Zhongchun with a pair of stiff tone, not care about the tone of Cheng Xuehui said.

Tianzhong Chunyi's words have just finished, Cheng Xuehui seems to have a few things in mind. However, her heart still felt a little unconvinced, but she did not dare to say a word, there is no ability to reply. As a result, she had to look at the gold and silver jade, and then left here. She seemed to feel powerless about all this and could only pray silently in her heart. Even if she was really replaced, she didn't want the person who replaced her to be gold, silver and jade. Park Zhihao's girlfriend's position has been robbed by jinyinyu. This time, even a supporting actress No. 18, Cheng Xuehui thought, could never be robbed by jinyinyu. So, after closing the door of the meeting room, she lingered anxiously around the door, constantly rubbing her hands, praying for God's blessing.

Jin Yinyu was a little surprised by all this. What kind of things is it that she always feels that Chunyi Tanaka and Cheng Xuehui are always playing charades? Jin Yinyu looks at Tanaka Chunyi in a daze. She doesn't understand what kind of medicine he sells in the gourd. She can only just stare at Tanaka Chunyi, quietly waiting for him to talk to her.

"Miss jinyinyu." Tanaka Chunichi looked at the gold, silver and jade very seriously. He put his hands on the conference table and clasped his fingers. He took a look at the innocent looking gold and silver jade and asked, "I like to get straight to the point, and I don't like to beat around the bush. So, I'll ask you some questions directly, OK?"

"Yes." Tanaka Chunyi's words made Jin Yinyu feel afraid. If he asked directly, perhaps she was not so afraid. However, Tanaka Chunyi seemed to wake her up, which made Jin Yinyu feel more worried. She looked at Chunyi Tanaka with a pair of hesitant eyes and nodded her head very firmly and fearfully.

"I heard you were pregnant. Is that true?" As he said, the question was very direct! This makes Jin Yinyu feel very astonished. She really doesn't know whether Tanaka Chunyi tried her out or what he had already heard. She even doubts whether Cheng Xuehui told him the secret. Is it because recently everyone is talking about Cheng Xuehui's pregnancy, and Tianzhong Chunyi knows about it. Therefore, Tanaka Chunyi just talked to Cheng Xuehui, and Cheng Xuehui was dissatisfied with her pregnancy being found, so he simply sued her in front of Tanaka Chunyi? Gold, silver and jade can't help thinking about it in my heart.

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