"Mr. Tanaka." After a long time, young Cheng Xuehui can't help her temper, so she opens her mouth first. In addition, she is a weak side. She really wants to know whether Tanaka Chunyi really wants to dismiss her. Therefore, she has to be brave enough to speak first. She looked at Chunichi Tanaka with a heavy look and said to him, "you're looking for me What can I do for you? "

"What do you say?" Tian zhongchunyi looked at Cheng Xuehui calmly and said to her calmly, "did you just hear that?"

"Listen Do you hear me Cheng Xuehui deliberately pretended that she could not understand anything and said to Tanaka Chunyi, "what do you hear? What do you hear? Mr. Tanaka, you What are you talking about? "

"I think Miss Cheng Xuehui has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and has always been so popular. I think you must be a smart person." Tian Zhongchun can't help but say to Cheng Xuehui, "a lot of things, you can understand without me. Just, if you have to know how to pretend that you don't understand, Miss Cheng Xuehui, it's not cute. "

"Mr. Tanaka..." Cheng Xuehui looked at Chunyi Tanaka weakly and said to him, "you are also a smart man."

Tanaka Chun can't help laughing. Yes, Tanaka himself knows that he is a smart man. It's just that sometimes he gets carried away by feelings. Just like he used to treat Keiko Kawabata. But now, he's a ginger. He even felt that Cheng Xuehui, sitting opposite him, was just a warm little white rabbit! Tanaka Chunyi's heart is also very clear what he is doing. On the surface, it seems that he made some decisions about the personality of these contracted actors. But in fact, who is he for? Is it to recover the love that he deeply regretted at that time? Is it for Keiko Kawabata? Is it to give Keiko Kawabata a a suitable position in the first film and television industry as soon as possible? Is it to make Keiko Kawabata rise again in the film and television industry as soon as possible In order to be popular, he is doing something that is only beneficial to Kawabata but not beneficial to the company. Although Tanaka Chunichi knows that this may affect the future of No.1 film and television, he just can't control his inner emotions. As long as I think of what I can do for Keiko Kawabata again, as long as I can see her sweet smile early, as long as she is all right, then whatever I do is worth it. Don't say it is to lose their own company, even if it is to lose their own life, Tanaka Chunyi are happy.

Thinking of this, Tanaka Chun couldn't help saying "I'm sorry" to Cheng Xuehui, who was sitting in front of him, and said "I'm sorry" to jinyinyu, who was just driven away by him. Then, he continued to put on the clothes of animals and solemnly said to Cheng Xuehui: "that Can the conversation between wise people be special? "

"Go ahead, Mr. Tanaka." Cheng Xuehui couldn't help but say to Tanaka Chunyi, "I think you should have made a decision in your heart."

"Yes." Tianzhong Chunyi said to Cheng Xuehui without denying, "that Would you like to guess what the company's decision is? "

"It's the company's decision." Cheng Xuehui couldn't help laughing, but looked at Tanaka Chunyi helplessly, and then said to him, "it's also your decision."

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