"Sorry, Mr. Tanaka..." John was very frank and apologized to Tanaka, "I'm sorry, it's my dereliction of duty. But, Mr. Tanaka, you don't have to worry too much. Cheng Xuehui may not be busy. Although I asked my colleagues to take her to the hospital, she looked good. She didn't bleed, and she didn't show any abnormality. She just looked a little pale. Maybe she'll be OK, I think

"Nothing, nothing! Do you think it's ok if you say it's ok? " Tanaka Chun can't help but say to John, "who did you send Cheng Xuehui to the hospital? Call quickly and ask what's going on. "

"Yes John said respectfully to Chunichi Tanaka. Finish saying, he quickly picked up the mobile phone to send Cheng Xuehui to the hospital candy to call.

John's forehead was almost sweating as soon as the phone was connected.

”Hello, candy? I'm John. " John said nervously to candy.

"Director John. We have arrived at the hospital. " Candy said slowly to John.

"How is Miss Cheng Xuehui?" John asked quickly.

"It's going to be born." Candy said to John, "now Miss Cheng Xuehui is having a baby. The baby is going to be premature. Fortunately Miss Cheng Hui Hui is the registered residence of the United States, otherwise, I am afraid this matter is not very well handled.

"Well Did the doctor say that Miss Cheng Xuehui and her child would be in danger? " John asked candy.

"I don't know. The doctor didn't say that just now." Candy said to John, "director John, you seem to be very nervous about this?"

"It's happening in our crew, can't you be nervous?" John can't help but say to candy, "by the way, after the baby is born, whether it's mother and son, or Just call me for anything else. "

"I see, director John." Candy is very serious in answering John's every question, giving him every promise, and earnestly implementing it.

"Well, you stay and take good care of Miss Cheng Xuehui. I'll come to see you when I'm done. " John put down the phone as he spoke. Then, he immediately fell into a rigid state, so quietly looking at Tian Zhongchun a daze.

"Who are you? Who sent you? " When you look at Tian Chunhan in front of you. Although the bodies of the big men made Tanaka feel a little scared, he knew that, judging from the situation, it seemed that John had already controlled them, so he didn't worry about what these big men would do to him or even hit him.

"Mr. Tanaka, they have already recruited them, saying that miss jinyinyu sent them." John can't help but say to junichiri Tanaka.

John's words had just finished, a few big men kept nodding, looking a little bit counseling.

At this time, Tanaka Chunyi finally had no fear of these big men in his heart. Although they look tall and powerful, but now, according to Tanaka Chunichi, their hearts are actually very afraid. Otherwise, they will not always hang their heads and feel worried like a child who has made mistakes. Therefore, Tanaka Chunyi this time completely on this matter does not have too big question. Just, what he doesn't understand is, where did Jin Yinyu find so many big men? What's more, she left the company for less than an hour! It seems that the ability of this gold, silver and jade is far better than he imagined, because he underestimates gold, silver and jade.

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