"Miss Kim..." Jin Yinyu's words moved many big men to tears. They hardly knew what to say and how to protect their Miss Jin from injury. However, at present, jinyinyu is so anxious to let them leave here that they seem to have to leave Robin looked at the gold and silver jade and said, "well Miss Kim And you? "

"I'm going to be OK. Don't worry." Jin Yinyu said to Robin, "you go! Don't delay! Taking advantage of Cheng Xuehui, she still hasn't repented. "

Robin looked at the brothers, and at the gold and silver jade, and suddenly frowned. He looked at jinyinyu with some emotion and felt very ashamed of her good boss. Robin said to Jin Yinyu in a choked voice, "Miss Jin, you are our great benefactor. You can rest assured that when this matter is over, my brothers and I will surely work harder to follow you! "

"Let's go Jin Yinyu looked at Robin and said to him and the others.

Robin left with a group of people, not to mention how tragic the scene was. As she watched them leave, she had her own abacus for a long time. Jin Yinyu has always been a competitive woman. She is not as submissive and indecisive as Luo Xiwei, nor is she so kind-hearted. Jinyinyu will never treat herself badly.

So, jinyinyu took a look at Chunyi Tanaka standing beside her and slowly raised the phone: "Cheng Xuehui, what conditions do you want to raise?"

"Nothing." Cheng Xuehui couldn't help laughing and said to Jin Yinyu, "you just need to come to the hospital and take care of me with candy. However, candy is kind to take care of me. I'm sorry to let her serve me all the time. I'm going to ask her to guide you first, and then tomorrow morning when you are familiar with the environment of the hospital, you will take care of me alone until I have a baby. You know, I don't have any friends or relatives here. You are probably the only Chinese sister I know. " Cheng Xuehui said to Jin Yinyu with some pride.

"You Don't you know? I'm pregnant too. How can I take care of you? " Jin Yinyu said to Cheng Xuehui in surprise! I'll get you a nurse. Is that ok? If you don't think one nurse is enough, I can get you two, three If not enough, eight, ten Until you are satisfied Jin Yinyu firmly said to Cheng Xuehui.

"No!" Cheng Xuehui denied, "how can a nurse have a friend? What's more, the nurse can only take care of my daily life, and can't talk with me to relieve my boredom. But you are not the same. You are pregnant. We can discuss how to raise children in the future. What's more, you and I are both actors in the first film and TV series. Although you are gone now, we were once colleagues. We can also have a discussion about acting. What's more, the child in your stomach is park Zhihao's, and my child is also Park Zhihao's. my child is also the elder sister of your baby in your stomach. You are also the godmother of my child! You'll take care of us, and you'll have a good performance in front of Park Zhihao Cheng Xuehui said with a smile.

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