"Who is it?" Park Zhihao's eyes were staring at candy. He was suddenly full of interest when candy said that, so he kept staring at candy. He wanted to know if it was candy's cover for talking to him, rather than someone else was really looking for him. He hoped so in his heart. What's more, in the United States, none of his former classmates and friends knew that he had come to the United States. Therefore, Park Ji ho thought that it might not be someone looking for him.

"Yes..." Candy bit her lip shyly, but she still struggles. She was puzzled whether she should tell Park Zhihao the facts or tell him the lies Cheng Xuehui told her. Her heart is full of unwillingness, what's more, she has fallen in love with Park Zhihao, who looks so mature and handsome, full of man's charm! However, no matter how she answered, it seemed to be cheating. If she said it was Cheng Xuehui looking for him, then she was not honest with Cheng Xuehui and cheated her, and she could not finish the task that Cheng Xuehui gave her in the end. If the answer is gold, silver and jade looking for him, then she is cheating Park Zhihao. No matter how to answer, I can't escape the curse of being a dishonest person. It's better to do a beautiful thing and take park Zhihao to Cheng Xuehui. So candy thought for a moment and said to park Zhihao, "it's jinyinyu who wants to find you."

"Gold, silver and jade?" Park Zhihao's eyes suddenly filled with light! It turns out that she is a friend of jinyinyu! Park Chi ho couldn't wait to ask, "what about her? Why didn't she come to me? Is something wrong with her? Is she in hospital? " Park Zhihao thought that this was a hospital, and he thought in his mind whether she was in hospital.

"Yes Miss Jin Yinyu fell down when she was in the company today... " Candy simply can't bear to tell Park Zhihao that her child is gone, so she hides Cheng Xuehui's next sentence. She said directly to park Zhihao, "she is in the ward now. Go and see her."

"A fall?" Park Zhihao suddenly felt his brain a little confused! He says nervously to candy, "well What's the matter with her? Did the doctor say that she was in any danger, or that there was a major change in her body? " Park Zhihao knows that when jinyinyu signed the first film and television program, he hid his pregnancy from the company. Therefore, he did not mention the word "pregnant", but just beat around the Bush, hoping candy could tell us the current situation of gold, silver and jade.

"She..." Candy can't help but sigh heavily. Then she slowly lowered her head, closed her eyes, and whispered to park Zhihao, "her child is gone."

"What? Is the baby gone? " The news was like a bolt from the blue that destroyed Park Zhihao's heart! Before he could react, he walked out of here nervously and tremblingly! At the moment, park Zhihao's heart seemed to have been dug away, and he felt very sad. He was distressed that he and jinyinyu's children were gone. He was even more worried about how painful and sad she would be if she had no children? At this moment, park Zhihao felt like a walking corpse and absurdly left his ward. At the moment, park Zhihao's back appears to be in such a hurry and confusion that candy, who follows him, can not help feeling particularly distressed.

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