"Yinyu, I'm very tired now. Don't you want to be an expert?" Park Zhihao felt quite helpless about Jin Yinyu's performance today. She has never been an affectation person, is not a person who likes to chew words, but today, why does she become so abnormal? This simply made Park Zhihao feel deeply desperate. In addition to the child's affairs, even if it was not lost on purpose, it was at least lost for her reasons. But park Zhihao didn't dare to yell at jinyinyu. After all, she was a woman he loved deeply. He couldn't bear to blame her, so he used this cold way. But he didn't know that for Jin Yinyu, she would rather he scolded her, rather than be so indifferent to her. At this moment, two people's hearts are deeply in love with each other, afraid of losing each other, but they can't help but complain about each other in their hearts. The eyes of sorrow, pity and hatred are intertwined, and the five flavors are mixed in the heart. However, no one is willing to open his heart to say a few words in his heart, so he can only hold it so as to suppress his internal injury.

"Zhihao, you never said a word about me before." Jin Yinyu cried and said to park Zhihao, "even if I make a fool of you, you will say that I am naive and lovely. But now, you think I've lied to you, I'm getting worse

"Silver jade, I don't mean that. I really want you to recall what that woman looks like." Park Chih ho tried to explain, "how old does that woman look, whether her hair is long or short, does she have any important features, and does she speak with an accent? Think about it carefully, will you? " At the moment, he spoke a little more quietly.

However, Jin Yinyu shook her head: "when the woman spoke, I didn't look at her carefully. After I gave her the child, I left. However, that woman's voice sounds quite good, the voice is very clear. Her hair is short and curly. He looks very rich, and the whole person looks very temperament. When I saw her, I never thought that she would be a liar, so I gave the child to her without asking in detail. How could I know that she was a liar... " Speaking of the last sentence, gold, silver and jade sobbed again.

"All right, all right." At the moment, park's anger was not as big as it had just been. He patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't cry. I'm sorry, it was my bad attitude just now. I was wrong. Go home and punish me whatever you want. You're still carrying a baby, and you can't be angry, you can't cry like that. It's not good for the child - if you still want to have him. "

"Zhihao, I I am born In an instant, Jin Yinyu seemed to be confused by love. With tears in her eyes, she made up her mind to say to Pu Zhihao, "Zhihao, I am alive."

"Well!" Park Zhihao looked at the gold and silver jade and said to her, "why don't you go back first! It's not good for your skin or for your child's health to stay up so late. You can't be too tired. "

"And you?" Jinyinyu sobbed and raised her chin like a child.

"When I find the child, I'll go back with you." Park Zhihao said to Jin Yinyu.

"What if you can't find it?" Gold, silver and jade cold Bu Ding said something that should not be said.

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