"Who wants your life?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park Min Ho and said to him.

"I'm not sure yet." Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei, "but I can be sure that this matter must have something to do with Li Qiuxian. I have investigated a lot of things, some things I can't tell you for the time being. Weiwei, the reason why I don't want to get married so early is because I know that after today, someone will harm me. I'm not in a safe situation. If I marry you at this time, they will find my weakness. With their dirty means, they will probably take you to blackmail me. Weiwei, I don't want you to be hurt because of me. I don't want you to be a soft rib for others to blackmail me. So for a long time, I always pretend to break up with you, but the more I break up with you, the more I can't let you go. So, I just so many times secretly follow you, but dare not admit that I still love you But now, I know I'm wrong. If I do that, it will only make us both more miserable. In addition, what happened these days let me know to cherish the people around me, so I thought, vivi, can we get along well with each other, just as we used to live with me. But let's not get married. At least wait until I find out who's behind everything. OK? I want to find out the murderer of my father. I always feel that the big man is not the mastermind although he has already been put to justice. And I was almost killed today. I vaguely remember that after Zhihao left me, a man suddenly came in through the door. I thought the man was Zhihao. I thought he had forgotten something, or forgot to take his mobile phone and other personal belongings before turning back. So I didn't pay attention to the person who came in. But I really didn't think that the one who came in wanted to hurt me! He immediately covered my nose with a handkerchief with a special smell on his hand until I fainted. Then I didn't know what the man looked like. I didn't even know whether he was male or female, fat or thin. When I woke up, I found that I felt numb all over. When I looked again, I found that I had just had an operation. Weiwei, I'm really afraid. It doesn't matter if I hurt myself. I'm really afraid that you will be implicated and hurt. So, let's not get married, OK? I was attacked even if, after all, I am a man, a man fighting in the mall. But you are so young and beautiful that you shouldn't be involved in this battle that has nothing to do with you. Weiwei, I only love you in this life. I just hope you are all right. "

"Min Ho..." Luo Xiwei has been weeping for a long time. On the one hand, she was distressed by the murder of Park Min Ho, on the other hand, she was moved by park Min Ho's consideration for her. It turned out that park Min Ho broke up with her just because he cared too much about her. Luo Xiwei thought about it, and all the doubts and enmities in her heart disappeared. She just wanted to be with Park Minho and live forever. Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao excitedly and said to him, "Min Ho, I don't care As long as I can be with you, I'm not afraid of setbacks, and I'm not afraid of being hurt... "

"But I'm afraid." Park Min Ho with a pair of eyes full of doting on Luo Xiwei said, "I'm afraid you will be hurt. Vivi, you are my life. "

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