"Luo Xiwei, do you think money can solve anything?" Park Yunmin looked at Luo Xiwei contemptuously and said to her, "yes, this suit is worth only one million dollars. But you know what? This suit is the work of Amy, a famous American designer. First of all, the company needs it very much. On many occasions, the company needs to use this suit of clothes when filming, so as to make the company's play appear tall and high. Secondly, if the company buys this suit for one million dollars, it is basically a family price. If you let Luo Xiwei buy it, let alone one million dollars, even if it is 100 trillion, master Amy may not agree. Moreover, Luo Xiwei, if you really lose this suit of clothes, the company is breaking the contract! The reason why the company bought master Amy's works at a low price of one million dollars was that our company had a contract with master Amy, and we had to show this suit in all the plays taken by the company within three years, and the exposure rate must reach 10%. But now you've lost this dress. How long have you been filming in this suit before? It's far less than ten percent of the contract! Luoxiwei, you've got a big deal, you know? You let the company virtually break the contract, and the company has to pay Amy $10 billion in liquidated damages Park Yunmin said aggressively.

"One Ten billion dollars in liquidated damages! " Luo Xiwei couldn't help being shocked! Her eyes widened and her mouth widened, and her jaw almost fell off! She looked at Park Yunmin stupidly and could not help but read, "10 billion dollars?"

Oh, my God! Where's the $10 billion from Roche? She has only a few hundred million yuan at best! Even if she was ruined, I'm afraid she would not have taken so much money! Even if she was sold, luoxiwei thought, she could not afford to pay back her life!

"Yes! Luo Xiwei, I think, even if you are a popular female star in China, even if you have more money, you will not have as much as 10 billion dollars! " With a proud smile, park Yunmin said to Luo Xiwei, "do you know? Don't talk about you, even the first film and television can't afford to pay for it. I was also Tanaka's girlfriend. He told me that he spent one tenth of the company's savings to buy this suit. In other words, our company is only 10 million dollars at most, not 10 billion dollars at all! This time, I think you are the key to the first film and television bankruptcy Park Yunmin said painlessly.

She suddenly thought in her mind why the company signed such a suicide contract! Clearly know that sky high compensation will make the company bankrupt, why do you want to do so foolishly! Isn't this a good opportunity for the company's competitors to bring themselves down? However, Luo Xiwei knows that she should not think so much about the original company at this moment. What she is facing is a very difficult thing. If she can't find that dress, I'm afraid the rest of her life will be spent in paying off her debts. She looked at the complacent look of Park Yunmin, and she was a little suspicious of him.

"What do you think I'm doing, luoxiwei?" Park Yunmin could not help but whitened Luo Xiwei and said to her, "where is the dress written on my face? And, Lo HSI Wei, I warn you, don't ask my brother to pay you back. Yes, we yanmiao group has a lot of money, not less than 10 billion. However, if the group is really 10 billion less, the impact on yanmiao group is still huge, and if it is not done well, it will go bankrupt. Therefore, you don't want to think of our yanmiao group! "

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