Luo Xiwei was moved by Lucy's words. She looked at Lucy with tears in her eyes and said to her excitedly, "thank you, Lucy. Thank you for being so nice to me all the time. I didn't lose my clothes. And, I know, clothes will soon be found. Thank you, Lucy. My good sisters Luo Xiwei said to Lucy with tears and a smile.

"Sister Weiwei. You can rest assured that we will always be good sisters. Even if the clothes can't be found, I will always be your backing, we will always be together To Lucy.

"Thank you. Thank you Luo Xiwei said to Lucy with tears in her eyes.

"Oh! Isn't this miss rothiway At this time, several actors suddenly came to Luo Xiwei and looked at Luo Xiwei with a strange look. Everyone's eyes were filled with anger.

"You..." Luo Xiwei's tone of voice was not right. Even the expression on their faces was very unfriendly. This could not help but make Luo Xiwei feel a little afraid. She couldn't help but move back a few times, and she felt trembling in her heart.

"It's said that you lost the one million yuan worth of Amy's most expensive set of clothes designed by master Amy, and if you lose them, you'll lose ten billion yuan of compensation?" Lady Sara sneered and said to Luo Xiwei, "it's very kind of you to throw away your clothes and do such a simple little action, but it's really bad for the rest of our company. We're going to lose our jobs."

"Yes! Miss rothiway. It doesn't matter if you lose your job in the United States. If you return home, you can continue to develop smoothly in your country. We local artists are miserable. We are all counting on the first film and television! If we go to other film and television companies after the collapse of first film and television, I am afraid we will be discriminated against by other film and television companies. When many American film and television companies came to dig us up, we didn't go. We had to stay at first film because we believed in first film and television, and we believed in Mr. Tanaka. If we turn to other film and television companies in the future, I'm afraid there will be no way out. Maybe we will be teased by other film and television companies and their colleagues... " One of the actors complained.

"Luo Xiwei, you don't want to stay in the first film and television alone, you can leave. But why do you want us all to have no food? You are so vicious, lothivi The scolding became more and more fierce and ugly, which made Luo Xiwei feel more and more uncomfortable and ashamed.

At this time, Chunyi Tanaka suddenly appeared in front of the public. He looked at Luo Xiwei, who was standing there without saying a word. He looked at the people and said with a smile, "what are you talking about? Talking red? If there is something, let me know it too Tanaka Chunyi pretends not to know what they are talking about, showing a hip-hop look.

Everyone looked at each other and felt embarrassed. However, no one dares to mention the impending bankruptcy of the company.

"Well, let's get busy." As soon as Tian Zhongchun saw that they did not speak, he said to them, "Luo Xiwei, you are also ready to prepare. At three o'clock in the afternoon, you have to dress up in Amy's costume and take a new shot. John's requirements are very strict, so I can only trouble you to shoot again. "

"Oh..." Luo Xiwei looks at Chunyi Tanaka silently. She knows that Chunyi Tanaka is helping her out. However, Luo Xiwei's heart is still a little worried, can he make sure to find the clothes before three o'clock? What if you can't find it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!