"No way." Luo Xiwei looked at Shen Huilan and said to her, "godmother, after all, this is a hospital and a public place. And there has been a criminal case in the hospital, and the hospital has strengthened its vigilance, and there will be no similar incidents. "

"Even with increased vigilance, there are still people who have completed the arson today. Isn't it? " Shen Huilan looked at Luo Xiwei seriously and said to her, "Weiwei, Ganma is worried about you! After all, you are Minho's favorite woman. Even if I don't think about you, I have to think about my son. You said that if you have something wrong, how can we live? He will not only feel sad and sad, but also blame himself and feel guilty. He will blame himself for not persuading you not to do stupid things... "

"No, motherfucker." Luo Xiwei is moved at the same time, or feel that he should fulfill the promise of Cheng Xuehui. She quickly grasped Shen Huilan's hand and comforted her, "godmother, don't worry, I'll be selfish. For the last time, let me finish my promise to Cheng Xuehui, OK? I really don't want to be a person who doesn't keep his promise casually. After all, I promised Cheng Xuehui to take care of her in her month. In the future, if I encounter similar things again, I will definitely not make my own decisions and promise others these things. I will certainly ask your consent first. Do you think this is OK? "

Shen Huilan is very embarrassed to look at Park minhao. Luo Xiwei has already said this. What can she do? What else could she do but nod? What can she say other than the worried language? She had to lower her eyebrows, and then gently patted Luo Xiwei on the back of her hand, and admonished, "then you have to promise me that everything should be careful, you know?"

"I see, motherfucker. Thank you Luo Xiwei was happy that she finally got Shen Huilan's approval. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Shen Huilan was a good person. About the previous incident about the mortuary fire, she suddenly did not want to investigate Shen Huilan. She felt that Shen Huilan was also a sentimental person. Even her daughter-in-law who has just entered the house can be so worried, let alone her husband? Luo Xiwei looked at Shen Huilan hesitantly and said to her, "thank you for supporting me." Then, Luo Xiwei squinted at Park Min Ho.

"Hum!" Park Min Ho was like a child who was angry, and made an unconvinced voice from the depth of his nose.

"Min Ho, the godmother has agreed..." Luo Xiwei finally faced Park minhao squarely, and then said to him, "you won't refuse?"

"I didn't say I agreed." Park Min Ho continued to gamble.

"Don't you listen to your godmother?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao with pride and said to him.

"Minho, let her go!" Shen Huilan finally couldn't stand it. She said to park Minho, "since Wei Wei has a kind heart, let her do what she wants to do! Besides, she has said it is the last time. She will discuss the same thing with us in the future. If you are not at ease, the big deal is to install a camera in Cheng Xuehui's ward, so that you can not only see your Weiwei all the time, but also feel more at ease. What do you think? "

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