"Impossible?" Luo Xiwei stood there silently, carefully pondering the words of gold, silver and jade, wondering why it was impossible, "why can't Cheng Xuehui wake up? Why is gold, silver and jade so sure? Jin Yinyu is not a doctor! Does she know something? Or, can Cheng Xuehui suddenly go mad? This matter has something to do with jinyinyu? Or is it gold, silver and jade? " Millions of problems appeared in Luo Xiwei's mind. She felt more and more that the things that happened around her recently seemed strange and seemed to go with the flow. In fact, it was very likely that they were all premeditated!

Luo Xiwei carefully recalled the scene of that night. It seemed that Cheng Xuehui was still in good condition. However, when she went downstairs to find Pu Zhihao for a few minutes, Cheng Xuehui seemed to have suddenly changed into a person and suddenly became insane. At this time, there were only jinyinyu and Cheng Xuehui in the whole ward. Is it in these minutes when Luo Xiwei goes downstairs, what does Jin Yinyu do to Cheng Xuehui, which leads to Cheng Xuehui's appearance of madness? Luo Xiwei felt that although this seemed to be very unreasonable, it seemed to have some existence after careful consideration. The more she thought about it, the more incredible she felt. She was determined to find out the mystery.

"Hungry I want to have dinner... " At this time, Cheng Xuehui on the hospital bed can't stand it any more. She looked at Luo Xiwei with a pair of pitiful eyes, and said to her pitifully, "Mom, I'm hungry..."

Luo Xiwei was frightened by this sudden appellation! Cheng Xuehui calls her mother! She stares at Cheng Xuehui, suddenly feel at a loss. She had never tried to be called "Mom.". Although Cheng Xuehui is not her real child, even her age can not meet the requirements of being a child of luoxiwei. However, when Cheng Xuehui called her mother, Luo Xiwei's heart was touched! She quietly looked at her in front of this silly smile at her Cheng Xuehui, looking at her so naive and lovely appearance, Luo Xiwei's heart suddenly became more soft. At this moment, Luo Xiwei can't help but move to Cheng Xuehui's side. Then, she gently stroked Cheng Xuehui's face with her hand, and said infinitely gently to her, "silly child, I'm not your mother."

"What?" When Cheng Xuehui hears Luo Xiwei say that she is not her mother, she seems to suddenly open the self-protection mode. Then, she looked at luoxiwei, and suddenly felt shivering! She bit her lips tightly. After a long time, she said weakly to Luo Xiwei in a trembling voice, "that If you are not my mother, who is my mother

"I don't know who your mother is." Luo Xiwei said to Cheng Xuehui. Looking at Cheng Xuehui, she suddenly felt a lot of emotion in her heart. Cheng Xuehui used to be such a domineering female star! But look at her now this pair of weak and small appearance, even the thin Luo Xiwei can't help but want to protect her!

"No! No! I want mom! I want my mother At this time, Cheng Xuehui seems to be suddenly stimulated, jumping up from the hospital bed, and constantly jumping on the bed.

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