"Min Ho?" Luo Xiwei once again called the name of Park Min Ho. However, park Min Ho is still missing!

Roxie was trembling with fear. This time, Luo Xiwei told herself that she should be calm and not be confused. However, no matter how she reminded herself, she still couldn't help thinking!

"Yes, telephone!" Luo Xiwei remembered that when she couldn't find Park minhao, she was not helpless, she could still call! So, she can't wait to take out her mobile phone, immediately dial Park Min Ho's phone.

"You are the only one for me..." At this time, Luo Xiwei felt that the music in the neighborhood was quietly playing

Luo Xiwei followed the voice and saw Park Min Ho's mobile phone shaking and ringing

"Min Ho didn't bring a cell phone with him!" Luo Xiwei suddenly became flustered again! She looked around anxiously, hardly knowing what to do! She ran out of the ward without a clue, but didn't know where to run.

At this time, it happened that park Zhihao came.

Park Zhihao looked at the ward. It seemed that Luo Xiwei was the only one. So, he looked at Luo Xiwei very doubtfully, his head went to the ward to probe, and then said to Luo Xiwei, "eh, how come you are the only one? Where's Minho

"I don't know." Luo Xiwei was very frightened and said to park Zhihao.

"You don't know?" Park Zhihao repeated Luo Xiwei's words, but some Zhang Er couldn't feel his head! He looked at Luo Xiwei, very concerned and said to her, "what happened?"

"I just went to buy breakfast, and when I got here, Min Ho was gone. I called him, but his cell phone was ringing in the ward. Min Hao has never been a person without a mobile phone, but today, he has no mobile phone Something must have happened to him, something must have happened to him! " Luo Xiwei anxiously grabbed Pu Zhihao's sleeve and said to him.

"Breakfast?" Park Zhihao looked at the packing box of the coffee shop nearby and knew that it was the breakfast that Luo Xiwei bought for park minhao. He looked at Luo Xiwei and said to her, "that I bought breakfast Isn't it delicious? "

"No Luo Xiwei shook his head again and again, and some apologetically said to park Zhihao, "in a word, it's hard to say. Zhihao, please help me to find a way. Now what can I do to find Min Hao? I'm really afraid of his accident And Min Hao has always been a clean person, he never does not fold the quilt. Even when he went to draw blood just now, he made his bed neat. But this time, even his bed is in a mess So I think something must have happened to Min Hao, otherwise he would never have folded the quilt... "

"You're right." Park Zhihao said to Luo Xiwei, "I used to live with Min Ho for a while in the United States, and he is really a person who can fold his quilt neatly. After all these years, I don't know if he still is. But, you say so, it seems that Min Ho is still the one who likes to fold his quilt neatly. Min Hao will never let his quilt look like this. He will definitely scold that person if others make his quilt like this! It seems that Something happened to Min Hao... " Park Zhihao's mouth slightly wriggled, thinking.

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