"You?" Jessica couldn't help laughing. She just thought it was funny. How could she like a guy like mat who is not interesting at all? However, she tried to control herself so that she could not laugh. She said faintly to mat, "mat, I'm sorry, I don't like you."

"Is that what you like?" Mat continues to ask.

"No Jessica shook her head violently and said to mat, "I don't like you, and I don't like Bob. I know that both of you are good to me, and you are really good to me. You send me rice every day, which makes me very moved. However, it is not love. I'm sorry, mat, you don't feel that way... "

"What about Bob? I know, you like a good, funny boy like Bob. " Mat said to Jessica.

"But Bob, he doesn't really like me. You can see what happened today. He backed out at the critical moment Jessica said to mat.

Mat looked at Jessica a little unconvinced and said, "what about me? I really love you, Jessica! I am willing to do anything for you, I am willing to give everything for you! Jessica, as long as you are with me, I will take you as my heart, my liver, I will take you as my treasure, hold you in my hand, I will take you as my life! " Said mat excitedly.

"I'm sorry..." Jessica still refused mat, "mat, I really only appreciate you, but I have no feelings. If you have to, I'm afraid we can't even be friends in the future. Mat……”

"You like my teacher, don't you?" At this point, it was as if mat's brain was suddenly enlightened, he said to Jessica.

Jessica was shocked! She looked at mat in amazement and said, "how do you know?"

"When I saw you looking at the teacher's eyes, I already felt it." Mat couldn't help but say to Jessica, "that kind of love from the bottom of my heart can't be pretended, just like I like you. It's so heartfelt that I can't control it. However, the teacher is already 32 years old, and you are only 19 years old. The age gap between you is really too big. You are not suitable. " Mat can't help but tell.

"it's not appropriate has the final say." Jessica looked at mat a little obstinately and said to him, "height and age are not issues. Love, originally is to love each other, like each other. What's the point of breaking away from the same family that you like? As long as Robert likes me, I can be with him! The age gap between teenagers is nothing. What's more, many couples in the world are teenagers with an age gap, or even more. Isn't it? " Jessica said to mat.

"You're right." At the moment, mat was like a ball that was out of breath, and suddenly he was wilting. His eyes no longer shine, and he says to Jessica faintly, "you like him, then Do you know if he likes you or not? Do you know if he has a girlfriend? Just like me, you have only been in the hospital for two months. Do you know him? What's more, he doesn't even communicate with you. Have you talked to him more than three times in two months since you came to the hospital? He's a famous doctor, and you're just a little nurse who hasn't had an internship. You're not suitable at all

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