"In fact I have a son. " Jessica said to park Min Ho with some embarrassment.

"Do you have a son?" Park Min Ho could not help but sigh in his heart at first. And then he said to Jessica, "Oh Do you have a son

"You must have been shocked?" Jessica can't help but say to park Min Ho.

"No..." Park Min Ho laughed and said to her, "you look like you're about twenty years old. There's nothing unusual about having a son. "

"But my son is six years old." Jessica said with a smile to park Minho, "I'm only 19 years old this year."

"Your son is already six years old?" This time, park Min Ho is really shocked! He couldn't help looking at the young and beautiful woman in front of him. He didn't expect that she would be the mother of a six-year-old child! At this time, park Min Ho could not help but wonder, or Is this child adopted? Otherwise, when she was 14 years old

"Yes, I gave birth to my son when I was 14 years old." At this point, Jessica is not so shy. Having said this, the burden on her mind was suddenly lightened. She continued, "that is to say, when I was 13 years old, I was with my teacher, Tom..."

"So your colleagues are talking about you about it." Park Min Ho said to Jessica, "what they are talking about is not your beauty, nor that you have children, but that you are 19 years old and you have a six-year-old child..."

"Yes." Jessica chuckled. "But I've been taking that for six years. I'm used to it. I'm numb. " Jessica spoke in a tone of helplessness.

"Well You didn't volunteer? " Park Min Ho could not help but care, "sorry, I know this is your personal privacy, I should not inquire." Seeing that Jessica didn't answer him immediately, park Min Ho could not help explaining for himself.

"Never mind. I don't have so much privacy. I'm not afraid to be known. It's just that I don't think it's necessary to put these things on the table, because some people will think I'm shameless. Actually, I didn't want to. But. At that time, Tom was my teacher. What could I do? At that time, my academic performance plummeted. Although my father and my mother didn't speak up to each other, they seemed to no longer like me, but like my sister who was praised by the teacher every time. So, in order to improve my study, I would go to Mr. Tom's office every day after school to find him to do his homework. Tom was very kind to me at the beginning. He would help me with my lessons carefully and sometimes he would give me food to eat. Gradually, he began to want to do something excessive. Of course I don't like it. Later, Mr. Tom seemed to realize the resistance in my heart and never mentioned it again. Later, one day, he still gave me something to eat, but I didn't know that he had already done something in the water. I'm so dazed that I don't have any strength. Then I watched him gradually lose his former gentleness, and looked like a beast, bullying my little white rabbit as much as possible... " At this point, Jessica's eyes suddenly moistened, and she went on to say, "ten months later, my son is born."

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