"What?" Ning Xin's heart suddenly seemed to be pounded by something. Suddenly, she felt a little out of breath. Her eyes turned red at once, and her eyes began to show some sparkling tears. She looked at Park Min Ho with some excitement and said to him, "brother, you say Dad's body Burned down? "

"Well!" Park minhao nodded his head seriously and said to Ning Xin, "Ningxin So you really don't know about this I thought Mother has told you about it

"She She didn't tell me Ning Xin looked at Park minhao seriously and said to him, "when did this happen?"

"Not long. But it was yesterday. " Park Min Ho said to Ning Xin, "so it's normal that mom didn't tell you about this."

"Why didn't mom tell me about it?" Ning Xin can't help but say to park minhao.

Park Min Ho takes a meaningful look at Ning Xin. He is not sure whether he knows why Shen Huilan did not tell Ning Xin about it. Maybe she was unintentional, maybe she just forgot, or maybe There was something hidden in her heart. Therefore, when he thought of it, park Min Ho could not help but shut his mouth tightly. He didn't want to speculate on the matter.

"All right." Park Min Ho gently patted Ning Xin on the shoulder and comforted him very kindly, "don't think so much. I know it's hard for you to accept this for a while, as I did when I first heard about it, and you're sad now. But after all, it has been so long, and the police have been only investigating this matter, and I am also investigating this matter... "

"What did you find out, brother?" Ning Xin couldn't help but interrupt Park Min Ho immediately and asked.

Park minhao shook his head: "for the time being, nothing has been found. Too much has happened these two days. And I was just tied up in the morning. " Speaking of this, park Min Ho could not help shaking his head, frowning, and said to Ning Xin, "however, I always feel that the man who tied me up in the morning It's not that simple. Everything seems to have been designed for a long time. A series of things really make people suspect that they were designed by the same person. "

"Well Who would this be? Is it related to Dad's death? " Ning Xin couldn't help doubting.

"Do you think so?" Park Min Ho suddenly looked at Ning Xin, it seems that he is not the only one who thinks too much. It is very likely that the same person did all this.

"Who would this man be?" Ning Xin could not help but look at Park Min Ho and said to him, "who would hate our park family so much that everyone in our park family would die? He killed dad, and now he's here to harm you. Does he hope that all the people in the park family will die out and give up? Or do you want to swallow up the shares of yanmiao group

"You suspect A pickaxe Park Min Ho could not help but look at Ning Xin, whose face was full of hatred. He could not help shaking his head and saying to her, "no! It can't be him! It can't be a pickaxe! I know him. Although he wants to get yanmiao group, he won't do it. He still cares about the brotherhood between us. He also cares about the relationship between father and son! The pickaxe is definitely not that kind of person

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