"Yinyu, I can tell you very responsibly that in my heart, you always occupy the most important position, and your position in my mind is always irreplaceable." Park Zhihao looked at jinyinyu's eyes seriously and said to her sincerely, "no matter before, now or in the future, you are an irreplaceable woman in my mind."

"Irreplaceable woman?" Jinyinyu sneered and said to Pu Zhihao, "what do you mean? What is "irreplaceable woman"? In this way, behind my back, I'm in love with another woman in the hospital, raising your children, which is called I'm the irreplaceable woman in your mind? Zhihao, I'm not a fool. I believe what I saw just now, not everything you said to me. I would rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than a broken mouth of a man like you Jin Yinyu said indignantly.

"Yinyu, don't do this..." Park Zhihao looked at the gold and silver jade with embarrassment and said to her, "do you know? What I do now is for our future and for you

"For me? It's the funniest joke I've ever heard. " Jinyinyu couldn't help saying to park Zhihao, "you keep such close relationship with other women behind my back. How can you say that this is for me and for our future? You're a real liar. "

"No, silver jade." Park Zhihao looked at the gold and silver jade carefully, gently put his mouth to her mouth, and said to her, "I just want to tell you that I do this in order to get the shares of yanmiao group!"

"I don't believe it." Jin Yinyu looked at PU Zhihao seriously and said to him, "I don't believe it! You must be in order to reunite with Cheng Xuehui and get together with her again. Even if it's not, you're doing it for your daughter. "

At this time, park Zhihao could not help but pull the gold, silver and jade aside. Then he looked around carefully, took a piece of paper hidden in his pocket to jinyinyu, and then said a few words in her ear.

Jin Yinyu suddenly looked at the paper in her hand with a happy smile. She held the paper tightly in her hand, as if she had obtained a supreme treasure. She folded the paper carefully and then folded it. Then she said with a smile to park Zhihao, "Zhihao, I will take this note. Since you have your plan and plan, you should follow your plan. I believe you! But don't overdo it. If you do something sorry for me, I will leave you

"Good!" Park Zhihao looked at the gold and silver jade with a smile, and suddenly picked her up, and then happily held her around in the same place. He breathlessly said to Jin Yinyu, "Yinyu, so we two are reconciled, right? You're not going to let me make any more choices, are you? Those stupid words you said that let me choose one between you and Cheng Xuehui can be withdrawn, right? "

"Well!" Gold, silver and jade did not stop nodding and said to park Zhihao, "you have planned so well. What else can I say? If you want to do anything, just let it go! I love you With that, gold, silver and jade left a deep kiss on Pu Zhihao's forehead, which made Park Zhihao happy.

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