"This..." Locky Witton was flattered! However, park Min Ho was always in her mind, so she said with some embarrassment, "Mr. Tanaka, I think your proposal is very good, just..." Luo Xiwei hesitated, wanting to say but not daring to say. She really wanted to attend such a party, but it was hard to finish all the work. Luo Xiwei only wanted to accompany Park Min Ho and take care of him as soon as possible.

"Just what?" Tanaka Chunyi looked at Luo Xiwei curiously and said to her. He looked at Luo Xiwei very embarrassed, as if some afraid not to say the appearance, then encouraged, "it doesn't matter, what you want to say, just say it, I won't blame you."

"Mr. Tanaka, I appreciate your kindness." Luo Xiwei couldn't help saying to Tanaka Chunyi, "it's just My boyfriend is still in the hospital and I think If I don't take care of him, but celebrate with everyone, I feel a little sad in my heart. It's better to Forget it

"Forget it?" Tanaka Chunichi felt a little puzzled. He looked at Luo Xiwei faintly, and said to her, "miss luoxiwei, I know you are a good girl. Most of your Chinese girls are very traditional and very considerate of their boyfriends. It's just What I don't understand is that your boyfriend is ill in the hospital. What does it have to do with you? After all, you are not responsible for his illness, and you often go to the hospital and take care of him by his side. You've done well enough. Besides, it's just a celebration. What does it have to do with taking care of your boyfriend? Let's celebrate casually. It won't be too long. Your boyfriend should not be short of your time to take care of him? Miss Luo Xiwei, in fact, sometimes girls can be arrogant in love. They don't need to be as traditional as you are, so you will suffer losses. It's not worth it. " Tanaka said a lot at one go.

Of course, these words make love supreme Luo Xiwei feel very uncomfortable. She couldn't help looking at Chunyi Tanaka and said to him, "Mr. Tanaka, I think what you said has a certain truth. Sometimes if a girl is too nice to a boy, she will suffer. However, this only applies to the situation that girls do not love boys and boys do not love girls. But if two people love each other so much that they don't care who pays more, and even want to pay for each other, then it is worth doing for each other naturally. What do you think, Mr. Tanaka? "

"Miss rothiway, of course I understand that." Tanaka Chunyi looked at Luo Xiwei seriously and said to her, "you mean, Miss Luo Xiwei, you mean Mr. Park Min Ho He loves you very much

"Of course Luo Xiwei answered without hesitation, her face full of pride.

"But If Park Min Ho and park Yun min are really brothers and sisters, and park Min Ho really loves you as you said, then the temperament of the two brothers and sisters is too poor? "

"Mr. Tanaka, what does that mean?" Luo Xiwei doesn't quite understand Tanaka's words. Is his implication that park Yunmin is not a person who values feelings? Luo Xiwei thinks about it. Although Ning Xin is more domineering and straightforward, it doesn't mean that she is not a person with heavy feelings. When she broke up with Charlie, she was so sad. How could it not be in line with the situation of "not attaching importance to feelings"! Ning Xin is very emotional! Luo Xiwei thought involuntarily.

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