"Min Min Ho Shen Huilan was suddenly shocked! She looked at Park Min Ho stupidly, and could not help but be stunned and said, "you Are you there? "

"Of course I am." Park Min Ho bit his teeth and looked at Shen Huilan and asked, "Mom, are you hiding something from me?"

"Ah? No Shen Huilan pretends to be innocent. She doesn't know whether Park Min Ho has heard her talk with Luo Xiwei just now. Therefore, she is not quite sure to admit the information she just said.

"Why does vivie call your mother? Why do you say she's your daughter-in-law? " Park Min Ho couldn't help but ask, "did you hide something from me?"

"What can I hide from you?" Shen Huilan suddenly said with a smile to park Minho, "Min Ho, you know, your father recognized Luo Xiwei as his dry daughter before his death, so she is naturally my dry daughter, so Weiwei called me a mother, it's nothing. I was Wei Wei's mother Shen explained.

Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei suspiciously, as if asking Luo Xiwei with his eyes. However, Luo Xiwei did not dare to look at Park minhao's eyes directly. She was afraid that she would miss the fillings in her casual eyes.

"Vivie, is everything my mother says true?" Park Min Ho couldn't help asking, "Wei Wei, you won't cheat me, will you?"

Luo Xiwei raised her head slightly and stopped talking. However, in her courage to speak, Shen Huilan suddenly cut in.

"Weiwei certainly won't lie to you. Mother will not lie to you Shen Huilan said coldly.

"Mom, I asked Wei Wei, I didn't ask you." Park Min Ho said coldly to Shen Huilan.

"Min Ho, don't you believe mom?" Shen Huilan can't help asking.

"Mom, I heard all you said." Park Min Ho couldn't help saying to Shen Huilan, "so, did you take Wei Wei secretly to help me get the certificate? But as far as I know, no matter which country, domestic or American, you can never get a marriage certificate on behalf of you. I really don't know how, mom, you deceived Wei Wei into believing you and went to get the certificate with you. " In fact, park Min Ho has no bottom in his heart. He doesn't know that Shen Huilan secretly takes Luo Xiwei to get the certificate. However, park Min Ho knows that Luo Xiwei is a person who can't hide her emotions on her face. If she knows that she has been cheated by Shen Huilan and that the United States can't get her marriage certificate, she will be quite surprised. Therefore, park Min Ho said these words to test her.

"What?" As soon as park Min Ho's words were finished, Luo Xiwei showed incomparable shock! She looked at Park Min Ho blankly and asked, "Min Ho, is that true? Can't you get a marriage certificate in the United States? "

"Of course Park Min Ho said with a smile, "even if the staff member who applies for the marriage certificate is my mother in law, she can't apply for a marriage certificate for someone who is not present."

"Oh..." Luo Xiwei looks at Park minhao silently and Shen Huilan with some doubts.

"So, mom, did you really take Wei Wei to get my marriage certificate?" Park Min Ho could not help saying.

"Min Ho, you You don't know it Shen Huilan suddenly felt how smart Park Min Ho was! So she couldn't help saying to him, "you were just testing us, weren't you?"

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