"A pickaxe! If you don't admit it At the moment, Shen Huilan suddenly switched to the once elegant state. She laughed at Park Zhihao and said to him, "anyway, who was going to hurt him a few days ago, I already know very well. I think some people should be ready to be investigated by the police! I can't, but I'm going to jail! "

"What are you talking about? In the end, who is going to cure the pickaxe? What do you know in your mind? Who do you say is going to jail? " Park Zhihao glared nervously and said.

"Of course, it's the key to the pickaxe." Shen Huilan said with a smile, "Zhihao, what are you so nervous about You are the one who will cure the pickaxe that day

"Not me, of course!" Park Zhihao quickly denied, "I admit that it's wrong for me to conceal Wei Wei's pregnancy. I have some selfish intentions. But my bad is also limited to this, I will not do this kind of aboveboard to hurt Min Ho! I can't harm a living man and make him disappear in front of me. "

"That's strange." Shen Huilan couldn't help sneering, "if it wasn't for you, who would it be? I clearly remember that you reminded me that there was something wrong with Min Ho's body that day, so I found out the problem in time and saved his life. The doctor said it would be too late. Zhi Hao, should I really thank you for reminding me in time that day, or should I hate you for making this incident? "

"Not me!" Park Zhihao shook his head again and again, "if it was me, would I be so stupid to remind you? Auntie LAN, you are insulting my intelligence

"You are reminding me very implicitly." Shen Huilan said, "if you don't carefully review what you said, maybe I can't understand what you mean. It's a pity that even though it's so obscure, I can still hear it, so your plan is in vain. "

"Aunt LAN, I'll tell you again. I did conceal Luo Xiwei's pregnancy, but I really didn't do anything about murdering Min Ho." Said Park Chi ho.

"How did you find out that Min Ho had a problem that day?" Shen asked.

"I don't know." Park Zhihao shut his mouth at once. He knew that he could not go on to say a word. He was afraid that the more information he disclosed, Shen Huilan could speculate more things. After all, the intelligence quotient of Shen Huilan definitely makes Park Zhihao feel overwhelmed. He didn't want to betray Li Qiuxian.

"You don't know?" Shen Huilan couldn't help laughing. "Do you know who's the blood on Park Min Ho's body now?"

"Aunt LAN, what do you mean by that?" Park Zhihao's heart was startled again!

"I mean, it wasn't you who donated blood that day, but someone else?" Shen Huilan said with a faint smile, "it seems to be a Mr. Li. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that your last name was Li

What does Shen Huilan mean? Did she find the blood of the people is If this is true, then his identity is not immediately exposed? In this case, let alone the chairman of yanmiao group. In the future, even a small leader of yanmiao group will not be able to be no unable! Park Zhihao told himself again and again in his heart that he should not be confused because of this. Perhaps, all this is Shen Huilan's guess! If we mess up at this time, isn't it?

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