"Hello, is this Miss Cheng Xuehui?" A man's voice came from the phone.

"I'm Xuehui. Who are you? Are you looking for my father Cheng Xuehui said happily.

At this time, Pu Zhihao could not help but burst out a cold sweat! He stares at Cheng Xuehui, and can't help patting his forehead with his hand. He whispers: "it's over, this time it's over, it's over! I'm her father again. "

"Miss Cheng Xuehui, I am not looking for your father, I am looking for you specially." Said the man on the phone.

"Oh." Cheng Xuehui could not help blinking and asked, "who are you? What can I do for you

"Miss Cheng Xuehui, let me introduce myself to you first. I'm a reporter from Jiangchuan Entertainment Weekly. I'm appointed by my superiors to give you an oral interview. I don't know if it's convenient for Miss Cheng Xuehui. " Said the man.

Although the man claimed to be a reporter of Jiangchuan Entertainment Weekly, park Zhihao did not think so. He felt that if it was really a reporter's interview, it would not be like his voice. What's more, from the caller ID number on a look, it is from yanmiao group internal phone. Therefore, park Zhihao knew that it must be the shareholder of yanmiao group posing as a reporter. At this moment, park Zhihao only hopes that Cheng Xuehui can talk as little as possible to cover up the fact that she is crazy. Otherwise, I'm afraid the more she says, the more doubtful points she has, and the higher the chance for the other party to see through.

"What do you want to ask?" Cheng Xuehui asked straightforwardly. The appearance looked like a five-year-old child, which made Park Zhihao feel very worried.

"Miss Cheng Xuehui, the media has been reporting that you are pregnant a while ago. Now, I've heard from the grapevine that you gave birth to a baby in the United States because of premature birth. Is that true? " Asked the other.

"It's true." Cheng Xuehui replied happily, "I have a daughter."

"Yes? Congratulations on Miss Cheng's success. " The other side can't help but say to Cheng Xuehui, "by the way, that Miss Cheng Xuehui, I wonder if it is convenient for you to disclose who is the father of the child? "

"It's Park Chi ho." Cheng Xuehui replied.

"It seems that Miss Cheng will soon be promoted to Mrs. park! Congratulations to Miss Cheng for adding a son to a wealthy family. " The other side said, immediately hung up the phone.

At this time, park Zhihao's mouth can not help but emerge a faint smile, and then in the heart secretly sneer. Learning from a journalist is not professional. After such a little time, he stops interviewing and hangs up the phone on his own initiative. It seems that the purpose is too strong. As long as he achieves the goal he wants to achieve, he stops quickly, and even pretends to be lazy to pretend to be a reporter. From this point of view, those stupid shareholders of yanmiao group who can only eat, drink, play and do nothing are pretending to be reporters. Park Zhihao didn't know whether Cheng Xuehui had passed this test, but from the other side's attitude, it seemed that the other side did not find anything suspicious. What's more, the other side's brain looks a little simple, even pretending to be a reporter doesn't look like it. It can be seen that the other party really doesn't have any doubts about Cheng Xuehui's giving birth to a child. Moreover, he can't think that Cheng Xuehui is not the beautiful and lovely female star Cheng Xuehui before. She's a lunatic now.

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