"Oh. I see, President Park. " Luo song suddenly said in a low voice. He knew that park Min Ho would never take a fancy to Rodin. In the past, there was no Luo Xi Wei, but now Park Min Ho has Luo Xi Wei, so it is naturally. And he has been worried about his sister who is too persistent. He is really afraid that she will not be able to get married now that she is an elderly leftover woman. Because he knew that park Min Ho didn't look up to her. He also knew that although there were so many people who could look up to Rodin, she was determined to park Min Ho, and she could never look up to any man except Park Min Ho. Thinking of this, Luo song can not help but feel more worried.

"By the way, Roxon." At this time, park Min Ho said to Luo song, "besides these, what else do you find out?"

"I also found that Li Qiuxian's residence has always been accessible to men recently." Luo Song said to park minhao, "some of these men seem to work for Li Qiuxian. But two or three of them seem to be very familiar with Li Qiuxian and will talk to her for a long time. by the way! One of the men is very suspicious. He hasn't come out since he entered Li Qiuxian's residence a few days ago

"Is it the rich businessman in Jiangchuan?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"This I don't think so. " Luo Songhui reported, "it was too dark that night, and I only saw his back. I can only make a preliminary judgment that the man is not a little fresh meat, but a man no more than a few years older than her. Therefore, preliminary judgment, she is not relying on the money and which small fresh meat in love, but with each other has a certain emotional basis. What's more, I can see that their manners are very close to each other.... "

"Are you sure that man hasn't come out yet?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"I'm sure." "The man came by car, and the car never left at the door," he said Luo Song said.

"Is there any other major discovery?" Park Min Ho continued.

"By the way, Zhihao's mother Li Qiuxian seems to like her future daughter-in-law I don't know this is not a big discovery? " Luo Song said.

"Are you talking about Cheng Xuehui or jinyinyu?" Park Min Ho said to Luo song.

"Not Cheng Xuehui." Luo Song said to park minhao, "that girl seems to be called Yinyu. Li Qiuxian likes her very much! It's really the first time I've seen a woman. I'm so excited to see a future daughter-in-law. She also gave the girl a villa in her name

"Li Qiuxian is so generous that she is willing to give her villa to her daughter-in-law who has not passed through the door yet?" Park Min Ho felt a little incredible. He couldn't help wondering whether Li Qiuxian had any plans for Jin Yinyu, or what she wanted to do for her with this child. Park Minho firmly believes that Li Qiuxian is definitely not such a broad-minded person who can really like her daughter-in-law.

"Yes! I wonder, too Luo Song said, "this does not mean that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in China has always been tense. Is it natural enemies between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? That's good. The daughter-in-law hasn't passed the door yet. The rich mother-in-law flatters her daughter-in-law first. "

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