"Your sister betrayed you." Park Min Ho said to Luo song, "it's just Luo song, you have always been a very rational person. This time, how can you be for a woman Song brothers and sisters, you are serious this time An accident. " Originally, park Min Ho wanted to say "disappointed", but in a moment, he felt that the word seemed inappropriate, so he changed it to "accident".

At this time, Luo song suddenly gave a cold smile, then shook his head helplessly and said, "in fact I'm also disappointed with myself. I don't know what happened. I just like this little girl. Although she is very fat, not that kind of standard beauty, but I have long been deeply attracted by her lovely. She was the first girl I met after I came to America this time. She was different from all Jiangchuan girls, so I fell in love with her very warmly. I know that maybe I hurt both Lucy and my wife by doing so, but I will never regret it. "

"You are a real love." Park Min Ho could not help but say to Luo song, "that Now Lucy is pregnant. What are you going to do? Do you want to have a showdown with your wife, or keep hiding from Lucy? "

"I..." Luo song hesitated for a moment, then looked at Luo Xiwei seriously and said to her, "is Lucy pregnant? Is it true? "

"True, of course!" Luo Xiwei could not help saying, "she also told me that she would like to give birth to this child. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, she will keep the crystallization of your love." Said, Luo Xiwei's eyes can not help moist, she suddenly thought of her poor child who died in her own abdomen.

"If so, I will be responsible for my children." Luo Song said firmly.

"Well What about your wife and your children? " Luo Xiwei looked at Luo song seriously and said to him, "how are you going to explain it to them?"

"I'll keep it from you first." He sighed helplessly and said, "I don't want to hurt my wife."

"You are good with Lucy, and you have a child with Lucy. It has hurt your wife in itself, but it has nothing to do with whether your wife knows about it. The damage has been cast, isn't it Luo Xiwei said to Luo song.

"Yes." Luo Song said slowly, "the harm has been cast. But if my wife can be happy for a few days at last, let her be happy for a few more days! I know that this matter will do great harm to her in the end, and I just hope that this day will come later, so that she will be less sad

"But if you really don't want her to be upset, you shouldn't be nice to Lucy at all. You are a man with a family, and Lucy is a simple girl in love. You should not hurt your wife or Lucy. " Said Luo Xiwei.

"You have a good point." But sometimes feelings are beyond the control of reason and morality With that, Luo song fell into deep meditation.

"Well, Weiwei, don't embarrass rosong any more." Song Minwei said, "it's not time for us to make a big mistake for song Minwei, but it's not time for us to make a big mistake. It's not time for us to make a big mistake, but it's time for us to make a further analysis of this matter

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