"You want me to Not a cent? " Luo song looked at Su Mengjiao hesitantly and said to her, "that What do we live on in the future? "

"Luo song, you still have a job in yanmiao group. We can start from scratch. Even if we don't have savings, we can have enough ability to start over again." Su Mengjiao said to Luo song, "but Lucy is not the same. She takes her children by herself. If she chooses to go to work, she has no time to take care of her children. If she chooses to take care of her children, she has no financial strength to raise her children. So, she is much more difficult than us. And we have two people who can divide the work. You are responsible for making money to support your family, and I am responsible for running a family with diligence and thrift. Even if we give all our savings to Lucy, we can still make a comeback. Roxon, since we're sorry for Lucy, then Give her enough compensation! You are a man, you abandoned her, even if you give her all your money, that is not too much. Besides, seeing that she loves you so warmly, we can give her more compensation, I think It's not too much. " Su Mengjiao said indifferently.

"But..." Luo song looked at Su Mengjiao emotionally and said to her, "isn't it too hard for you? Besides, I'm sorry for Lucy, not you. In fact, I'm sorry for you. I have no problem giving her all the money. It's just You're also a victim. Do you really want me to give her all the money? It's not fair to you. " Luo song can't help but say to Su Mengjiao.

"Rosang, don't say that. After all, we are husband and wife. We are one. Besides, if it was a mistake for you to be together with Lucy behind my back, then if you did something wrong, my wife also has an unshirkable responsibility. Besides, if you decide to stay with Lucy and give up on me this time, you will give me all the money to compensate me, right? " Su Mengjiao hastily comforts a way.

"Meng Jiao, you are a rare good woman." Luo song had to sigh again, "I swear, this life, I will never bear you again!"

"Rosang, I have one more request." Su Mengjiao could not help looking at Luo song and said to him.

"Just say it." At this moment, no matter what kind of request Su Mengjiao puts forward, Luo song feels that he has the full responsibility to listen to her. Such a generous wife, Luo song thought, may be difficult to find with a lantern.

"I hope When we give all the money to Lucy, you don't want to see Lucy again, OK? " Su Mengjiao said to Luo song, "I hope that in the future we can really accompany to the old, and no third party will break into our world." Su Mengjiao looked at Luo song with a pair of expectant eyes and said to him.

"Meng Jiao, I promise you!" Luo song looked at Su Mengjiao excitedly and said to her, "tomorrow I will find all the money from my account and transfer it to Lucy's account. In another week, President Park will return to the United States. When the time comes, let's go back to Jiangchuan and never come to America, the place that once hurt your heart, OK? " Luo Song said to Su Mengjiao very wisely. Looking at Luo song, he said, "where is President Park Do you want to go tomorrow? "

"Go! Of course Luo Song said.

"Well About the bank... " Su Mengjiao looked at Luo song and asked.

"I'll entrust my assistant in China to transfer all the money to my largest bank account and then transfer it to Lucy." Finish saying, Luo song looked at Su Mengjiao again, say to her, "do you think this is good?"

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