"Don't worry, sister-in-law, you still have me!" Rodin quickly comforted, "Well! When my brother comes back, you will first explore him quietly to see whether he is on your side or on her side. Or It's because I'm afraid of you that I'm on your side. And then you can do what you want. But generally speaking, if you show that you don't get angry but don't care about my brother, and want to separate from my brother and help them, I think my brother will be more ashamed of you, so I can't bear to say such words as divorce from you. By then, the initiative will be in your hands. "

"Thank you, Rodin." Su Mengjiao could not help tears in her eyes, "thank you for helping me in this matter. After all, you are rosang's sister-in-law. I'm just your sister-in-law. I'm really touched that you can help me

"Don't say that, sister-in-law." Rodin said, "I'm just helping people, not relatives. Who called my brother sorry for you? So he should pay any price. Besides, if you are a woman, a woman has to protect herself. Since my brother has already done something sorry for you and his family, even if you design to let him go out of the house, it's only natural. Sorry, one side of the marriage should pay a painful price, otherwise, anyone in the world can feel sorry for others. Sister in law, no matter what, this time I will always be on your side. Don't worry, I will never take sides with him just because he is my brother

"Thank you, Rodin." Su Mengjiao affectionately, softly said, "my good sister."

"Sister in law..." Hearing Su Mengjiao choked, Rodin's eyes were moist. She hated such a song, and she felt guilty for him in her heart. Therefore, she took the initiative to teach Su Mengjiao some methods, on the one hand, to save Luo song's heart, and on the other hand, to make su Mengjiao feel better, and to make some contributions to save their marriage. After all, Rodin didn't want to see Luo song and Su Mengjiao separate. She thought about it and said to Su Mengjiao, "when my brother comes back, you must not make a big noise. You should support them. If my brother is really with that woman because of your support, we should leave the scum man and let him leave all his property and get out of the house. If he says he wants to be separated from that woman because of guilt Sister in law, I think, maybe you can give my brother a chance But, of course, it's up to you to give him a chance. "

"I see." Su Mengjiao after Rodin's advice, already know how to do. She said excitedly to Rodin, "Rodin, I will do what you teach me. I hope He can be aware of his mistakes. "

"Well. So Sister in law, you go to prepare first, think about how to euphemistically say for a while Rodin said, "if you have any questions later, you can call me. If the phone is inconvenient, you can send me a wechat. "

"Good." Su Mengjiao's tears immediately fell down, fell on the corner of her mouth, salty, "that I'll hang up first. "

"Sister in law, you must be calm." Rodin once again exhorted, "be not humble or arrogant. And remember, in front of that woman, you're not rosang's wife, you're Rodin

"I remember, Rodin." Su Mengjiao said, "I'm not su Mengjiao, I'm Rodin."

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