"If roson calls you later, or if he wants to see you." Su Mengjiao looked at Lucy sincerely and said to her, "can you not answer his phone, can you not see him?"

"I can not answer his phone call or see him." Lucy looked at Su Mengjiao and said to her, "but if he comes to my house to look for me, you know, there is an old Chinese saying in your country:" you can run a monk, but you can't run a temple. "I can't help it

"Well..." Su Mengjiao looked at Lucy, picked up the card on the ground and said to Lucy, "I can give you this money. Can you change your place to live?"

"Don't worry." Lucy looked at Su Mengjiao contemptuously and said to her, "he only knows that I live in the company, but he doesn't know where my family lives. So, I don't have to move, and you don't have to give me the money. I just need to change my dormitory. "

"Well Please don't contact him any more and move to another place, OK Su Mengjiao said eagerly.

"I will." Lucy looks at Su Mengjiao and leaves.

Looking at the back of Lucy's leaving, Su Mengjiao is relieved. Su Mengjiao knows that Americans are very trustworthy. They will not lie casually or break their promise. So, Su Mengjiao felt relieved about Lucy's words. She thought, this time, finally relying on her own courage and wisdom to drive away the crisis in the marriage, even, she did not lose a cent. As long as the thought of Luo song all the money is tightly in her hand, Su Mengjiao is particularly happy. Although the money was originally owned by her and Luo song, in the eyes of Su Mengjiao, Luo song is Luo song, she is her. She did not want to be confused with Luo song any more, nor did she want to regard Luo song as her own. Su Mengjiao thought, she should not be a housewife, she must live a little bit!

Su Mengjiao was undoubtedly very happy to win the "war". She couldn't wait to call Rodin. Su Jiao's cell phone is broken at the door.

"Rodin!" Su Mengjiao almost cried at the moment when she heard Rodin's voice.

"Sister in law. What's the matter with you? Can you handle it? " Rodin asked with great concern.

"She's gone." Su Mengjiao said happily, "she's gone, she's gone! Rodin, we won, we won This time, Su Mengjiao did not tell Rodin the specific details, just told Rodin the final result - they won.

"Well Will you forgive my brother? " Rodin asked.

"I..." Su Mengjiao's words suddenly stopped. From the moment Su Mengjiao learned that Luo song had a woman outside, in her heart, Luo song was already an outsider. What if you forgive after betrayal? Su Mengjiao thought, even if they forgive, can their feelings be the same as before? She couldn't help but feel amused. Luo song was so courteous in the morning that he thought "turning back is shore". But, is it really shore? come back? Is there really a way back in the world? Su Mengjiao thought, this fly, perhaps is her life forever deep hidden can not erase the thorn. She really can't forgive. Even She now hoped that rosang would never come back.

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