"Millions?" Park Min Ho couldn't help sneering, "are you OK to say millions?"

"What's the matter, brother?" Park Yunmin was stunned and couldn't help looking at Park minhao and saying to him, "in fact His popularity has been rising recently. Although he made only a few million this year, there are still three months left between now and the end of the year. I think, in these three months time, he will certainly earn ten million

"What's the use of ten million?" Park Min Ho looked at Park Yunmin with some disdain and said to her, "his income this year is not more than one eighth of the money you spent?"

"Eight one eighth? Isn't that 80 million? " Park Yunmin could not help muttering, "brother, what are you talking about? How can I not understand it at all? "

"It took you 80 million to publicize Anshan and find a relationship with someone else, so that in just two months, Anshan suddenly changed from a little unknown writer to a best-selling writer?" Park Min Ho can't help but say to park Yunmin.

"Brother! Even if I look for a relationship behind my back, he has to have his own strength! If he can't come up with any level at all, and he writes about things that are not nutritious, I think, even if the publicity is good, no one will read his books, right Park Yunmin tried to explain for Anshan.

"As long as he writes generally and is not too rubbish, he will still be in a big fire if his propaganda is strong enough." Park Min Ho can't help but say to park Yunmin, "so, he just jumped into the red, or rely on your 80 million behind the propaganda."

"Brother..." Park Yunmin looked at Park Min Ho with some embarrassment. He said everything! However, she had to continue to explain for Anshan, "brother, Anshan is really talented. He has the ability to earn 80 million yuan in a short time."

"Even so, what?" Park minhao said scornfully, "a man should not rely on his own efforts and strength, but rely on a rich family to throw money for him to improve his popularity, and then make a lot of money through his own popularity. This Is it not to eat a soft meal in disguise? " Park Min Ho was not used to this kind of behavior.

"Brother! I don't want you to say that to Anshan! " Park Yunmin's face suddenly pulled down. She looked at Park minhao angrily, and her face turned red. "Anshan is not such a person! Brother, I spent $80 million behind my back, and he doesn't know! "

"He doesn't know?" Park Min Ho was stunned, "Yunmin, you have done so many things for him, he didn't even know? Yunmin, you love so much! Such a man, even someone behind him quietly helped him 80 million, he did not know, but also thought it was really his talent that made him famous. Yunmin, such a man is not worth your love, he is not worthy of your boyfriend. Such a man, even if you pay more for him, he will not appreciate. Then, you will lose miserably! " Park Min Ho said to park Yun min with great concern.

"No! No way Park Yunmin looked at Park minhao persistently and said to him, "in fact He's not my boyfriend yet. It's just that I like him. "

"What are you talking about?" Park Min Ho couldn't believe his ears!

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