"Brother. I really love him. I want to be with him, I want to be his woman! " He said, "don't be so excited about me? You didn't agree that I was with Charlie because he was an American. Later, you didn't agree that I was with Tanaka Chun, because he was an old man. But now, Anshan is neither an American nor an old man. He is a talented young Chinese who is only a few years older than me. Brother, you have no reason to object to my being with him. " Park Yunmin said with some emotion.

"But This Anshan will not love you. " Park Min Ho said firmly.

"Why? Brother, you don't know Anshan and have never seen Anshan. How do you know he won't love me Park Yunmin looked at Park minhao and said to him, "brother, you are too arbitrary. In work, you have always been so decisive, only in the feelings, you are arbitrary. Why do you think you are the only good man in the world, and no one else is? Such irresponsible judgment is simply too overbearing

"Because I'm a man, I know men." Park Min Ho said to park, "and it turns out that the first two - Charlie and Tanaka Chunichi - are really not for you."

"What about Anshan? What's wrong with Anshan? He is so excellent. Do you want to beat him to death just because I helped him secretly behind his back? " Park Yunmin said excitedly.

"Ning Xin Anyway, my brother is for you. My brother can't bear to see you suffer. I don't want to see you fall in love Park Min Ho said to park Yun min.

"Brother, I know I know you've loved me since I was a child. " Park Yunmin looked at Park Minho with some sadness and said to him, "it's just Brother This time, can you believe me, believe my eyes? Anshan is really an excellent person and a responsible person, and I believe that I will let him gradually understand me and like me. Now He and I are just ordinary friends, but I can feel that one day, he will be my boyfriend He looked at Park Yunmin with almost naive eyes.

"One day?" Park Min Ho could not help frowning, "which day is it? Ningxin, if a man loves you, even if you try very hard to push him away, he will silently guard by your side. On the other hand, those who need women's efforts to be with you on that day, and even the men who need women to look forward to "one day" will probably not let you do it in the end. "

"Mostly That is to say, not all of it, is it? " Park Yunmin began to bite the words.

"Ning Xin, stop being stubborn, OK? You are so beautiful and so good that you should be pursued by those who really love you, instead of being an unknown woman behind the person you love, even if you help him, he doesn't know Park Min Ho said to park Yunmin, "so you will eventually suffer a lot." Park Min Ho is very worried about Park Yun min's emotional destination.

"Brother, Anshan, he It's my love. " Referring to Anshan, park Yunmin's eyes suddenly moist, "brother, I think this time, I really met love."

Looking at Park Yunmin immersed in "love" so intoxicated, park Minho will know that this time, park Yunmin seems to fall deeper than the previous two love. He could not help but worry more about Park Yunmin's emotional situation. He only hoped that Ningxin would not be hurt too much in Anshan.

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