Seeing an Shan silent clubbed there, he suddenly became quiet. Park Yunmin's angry heart gradually calmed down. She looked at Anshan, pointed to the stool next to her, and casually said to Anshan, "OK, sit down!"

Anshan sits down reluctantly and then smiles awkwardly at Rose. Anshan has realized that there is something wrong with Rose's look at him. He seems to be looking at a strange person. And Anshan also tried to let her know that he was not a strange person. He just didn't sleep for a day and night. He was so sleepy that he was in a bad mood. Of course, he won't tell rose the real reason why he stayed up all day and night.

"Sorry, Ms. rose." Anshan smiles at Rose and says to her, "I didn't sleep last night. I couldn't wait to create because I had inspiration in my mind. I didn't sleep because I was afraid I would lose my inspiration. So I wrote about it at eight o'clock in the morning. When Yunmin called me, I just lay down I I was a little sleepy, so I was a little bit out of shape. I'm very sorry about that. "

"So it is." Rose's serious expression suddenly relaxed. "I'm an editor in chief, and I can understand what you said. Many good writers are like you. Once you have an inspiration in your mind, you forget to eat or sleep. I think you will be a very responsible and good writer just like those excellent writers

"Editor in chief rose, you flatter me." Rose's praise made Anshan feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know Can you show me what you wrote last night Rose asked suddenly.

"Well?" Anshan is suddenly stunned by Rose's question. It seems that ginger is still old and hot! Whether or not rose saw that he was lying, at least rose wanted him to prove that he wasn't lying. Anshan's brain suddenly became a blank. How could he show her anything? He's just talking nonsense! He looked at Rose nervously and said, "that The manuscript is finished, but In my computer, I didn't bring it here! "

"Oh?" Rose couldn't help laughing, "well Can you show us what you wrote last night

At this time, park Yunmin also looked at an Shan curiously. Obviously, she was very interested in the place where Anshan lived last night. She hugged Anshan's arm in a hurry and excitement, then shook his arm and said to him, "take us! I just want to see where you lived last night! By the way, did you buy a house? You have money now, so you buy a house and live by yourself, don't you? " Park Yunmin said with a smile.

"This..." Anshan looked at Park Yunmin and rose with embarrassment I'm afraid it's not convenient! You two girls, go to my big man's house. I'm afraid others will think about it... "

"No way." Park Yunmin said to Anshan enthusiastically, "take us there! Are we two women afraid you won't be alone? Besides, this is the United States, and I'm not afraid of gossiping. Can't I trust you, Anshan? "

However, at this time, Rose's face showed a look of incomparable confidence. And this look, in Anshan's eyes, is that rose has realized that he is lying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!