Rose's roar worked. Soon, park Yunmin stopped. She looked at an Shan with some bad eyes, and said to him, "anyway, you have to take us to your place today. Otherwise I'm not going to help you talk to rose about new book publishing. "

"You An Shan can't help but look at Park Yunmin and say to her, "you threaten me?"

"Yes, I will threaten you!" Park Yun Min said.

"If you don't talk to her, then I'll talk about it myself Anshan said angrily.

"Good! Talk about it Park Yunmin sat there solemnly and said, "I'd like to see how you can talk about cooperation with others with your clumsy tongue."

"Do you think I won't?" An Shan glances at Park Yunmin, then greets rose with a smile.

"Well?" Seeing that Anshan no longer talks to park Yunmin, rose stares at her seriously, and suddenly feels a little uncomfortable.

"Ms. rose." Anshan thought for a while, but he really didn't know what to say, "that The publication of my new book... "

"Anson, I can't tell. You're a real jerk." Before we took a sip of coffee, rose went on to get to know each other. After all, I haven't introduced our publishing house to you, and you haven't let me know more about you. "

"Ms. rose, you have a very good point." Anshan felt impatient in his heart. He really wanted to go back to bed, so much that he could not wait to finish the contract immediately. However, he still had to control his emotions carefully, so as not to appear too clumsy. He smiles and says to rose, "what do you want to know? I'll tell you all. "

"Anson, that's not how you talk. If you do that, you'll kill the conversation. " Rose gave a very elegant smile, then gently lifted her long shawl hair. "You haven't answered me well what I asked you just now." Rose said playfully.

"What you asked me just now?" As if suddenly lost his memory, Anshan asked in surprise, "what words?"

"Anson, it seems that you can't talk, you don't have a good memory." Rose joked, "I just asked you if you could take us to your place and see what you wrote last night. What, you forgot? "

"Oh! You mean this thing Anshan suddenly looked at Rose and said to her, "I answered Park Yunmin in Chinese just now, but I forgot that you can't speak Chinese."

"Please answer again." Rose said sincerely.

"This..." Anshan looked at Rose hesitantly, thought for a moment, and said, "in fact It's nothing to see, it's just that I added some novel content to my new book. As long as our cooperation is concluded, this content is intended to give you a purpose. Ms. rose, if you really want to see it, I wonder, do we have to sign the contract first? "

"Anson is really talented and talks about business Rose smiles. "It seems that if I want to see what you wrote last night, I'll have to sign a contract here first." Rose smiles meaningfully and shakes her head helplessly. It seems that she has agreed to sign the contract, but she has not made any action. Park Yunmin can't see what rose's attitude towards this matter and what's his plan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!