Along the way, Anshan looked very nervous. He didn't know if Su Mengjiao was still in the hotel. He did not know whether he hoped that Su Mengjiao was still in the hotel or that she had left. If still, how can he explain to park Yunmin and rose? Can park Yunmin be jealous? Will rose refuse to sign his new book? If she has left, where has she gone? Why go? Will she ever come back? Will she return to her ruthless husband? In the back seat of the car, Yunmin felt nervous.

When he finally arrived at the hotel, park Yunmin had just stopped his car and couldn't help but "wow"!

"Anshan, what a surprise! You are living in such a good hotel now Park Yunmin is very happy. Anshan has money, which proves that he is a successful writer and has the guarantee to marry her in the future. She laughed so much that her eyes almost narrowed into a slit. She got out of the car and quickly opened the door for Anshan.

"I just live here for a while." "I'm going back to my aunt's today," Anshan explained As a matter of fact, Anshan wants to continue to spend time with Su Mengjiao here. However, now that his address has been revealed, Anshan feels unsafe. What's more, park Yunmin likes him. He is afraid that when he and Su Mengjiao are happily together, she will suddenly appear and disturb their normal love. Therefore, whether Su Mengjiao returns to the hotel or not tonight, Anshan will tell Park Yunmin that he will not be here this evening, so as not to let him find out what happened between him and Su Mengjiao.

"Oh." Park Yunmin nodded thoughtfully. She blinked behind Anshan and asked, "which room do you live in? Is it a single room? "

"Just follow me." Said Anshan.

"Anson, you're back." As soon as I got to the front desk of the hotel, a waitress said to Anshan politely, "I just went to see your room for you, but your girlfriend is not in."

"I see." Anshan said unhappily, then continued to stride forward. For such a news, he did not know whether he should be happy or not. He was glad that when Rose and park Yunmin came here, Su Mengjiao was not there. But he can't help worrying about Su Mengjiao's whereabouts, more worried about Su Mengjiao's safety, and Su Mengjiao's departure is a temporary departure, or has she abandoned him forever, even if she has any misunderstanding about him What's more, he said this from the front desk clerk's mouth in front of Park Yunmin, which made Anshan feel more frightened. Park Yunmin shouldn't have any action, right? Rose won't go back on the signing, will she? Anshan can't help but be anxious.

"Anshan?" However, park Yunmin does not seem to buy an Shan's account at all. She looked at an Shan and said to him, "what did she just say? Your girlfriend. Anshan, do you have a girlfriend? Who is it? Is it luoxiwei Park Yunmin's tone reveals a strong sense of jealousy.

"Where is it?" An Shan thought for a moment and replied, "Luo Xiwei is your sister-in-law. Besides, I haven't seen her for days. Besides, didn't you say she was pregnant? How could I be with her? What have I become? "

"Who is your girlfriend, then?" Park Yunmin asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!