"An Shan." Park Yunmin looked at an Shan carefully and said to him, "or I'd better bandage your hands first! You see, you've shed a lot of blood. "

"It's OK." An Shan looked at the palm of his hand and said as if nothing had happened, "a man, what is a little blood shed? I'm really OK. Don't worry. I'd better show you my novel first! Or I'm going to give rose the manuscript now and sign the contract. And then I'll be able to sleep for a while

"Good!" Park Yunmin said repeatedly. She looks at Rose and signals her to come.

Seeing Anshan in a panic, rose really doubts whether Anshan is acting. Although she doesn't care what Anshan did last night. Anshan opens the computer, but can't find the mouse. That appearance really makes rose have to have doubts.

"Anson, didn't you use your computer all night last night? Why can't I find the mouse? " Rose can't help asking, seeing an Shan's anxious look.

"I I can't remember for a moment where I put my mouse. " Ansan replied.

Just then, however, the doorbell rang.

Park Yunmin ran to open the door.

"Hello! Ma'am. " The waiter gave Park Yunmin a warm smile and asked, "do you want lunch? This is the VIP suite. We can provide free healthy lunch at noon

"There are three of us! Can all three be free? " Park asked.

"This This is a double suite. We only serve lunch for two at most. " Said the waiter.

"Forget it." Park Yunmin looked at the waiter with some disappointment and said, "by the way, the computer mouse can't be found. Can you send us another mouse?" Park Yunmin looks at the waiter carefully.

"Of course The waiter laughed and left immediately.

Even if Anshan was sweating, he couldn't find where the mouse was.

Soon the doorbell rang again. Park Yunmin once again hopped to open the door.

"Sorry, ma'am." It's the waiter again. He looked at Park Yunmin with some apologies, and said to her, "I'm really sorry. I forgot to tell you that the old gentleman who lived in this room the day before yesterday saw that our hotel mouse was very novel, so he asked me for the mouse. Later, I forgot to put another mouse in the room. This is my negligence in my work. I apologize to you once again. I hope you will forgive me. "

"What?" Park Yunmin suddenly felt very puzzled, "you mean In this room There was no mouse yesterday. Does that mean? "

"I'm sorry. I was negligent. I'm really sorry... " The waiter repeatedly apologized.

"I see. Go ahead and get busy! " Park Yunmin said to the waiter, angrily went to an Shan in front of him and threw the mouse in front of him.

"What's the matter? It's so big, like a woman!" An Shan can't help but look at Park Yunmin and complain.

"I am a woman, yes! So you really brought a gentle little girl here last night, didn't you? " Park Yunmin said excitedly, tears almost fell down.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Park Yunmin suddenly tearful, Anshan is scared to some extent. What did he do wrong to make her so miserable?

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