"I said I would come to you in the evening." Park Yunmin looked at an Shan seriously and said to him. However, looking at Anshan's panic stricken appearance and his thin clothes, park Yunmin is determined to go to Anshan's room to see if there is any woman hiding. So, she a cat's waist, then from an Shan body side to drill past.

"Yunmin, what are you doing?" 'cried Anshan with all his voice. When he came to Anshan, he was so frightened that he cried out. Second, to Anshan is to let Su Mengjiao, who is still in bed, know that at this moment, park Yunmin has come! He didn't even have time to close the door, so he quickly followed him, hoping to prevent Pu Yunmin from entering his bedroom and seeing Su Mengjiao.

Lying in bed, Su Mengjiao just woke up like a dream! Listening to park Yunmin's footsteps getting closer and closer, she quickly sat up!

Just, it's too late! Park Yunmin soon came to her. Looking at Su Mengjiao's appearance of saving cloth and beauty, park Yunmin can imagine what happened between Anshan and Su Mengjiao in this room.

"Teacher mother?" Park Yunmin looks at Su Mengjiao with messy hair in front of her, and suddenly feels sick. She seemed unable to accept all this. She stepped back a few steps and shook her head in disappointment. She said to Su Mengjiao, "teacher mother I didn't expect It's really you You and Anshan... "

"Yunmin, it's not what you think Anshan quickly explained.

"Not what I thought?" Park Yunmin could not help but send out a faint sneer, "good! Anshan, what is it like? Don't you say that the teacher's mother is your neighbor? How come you're in your room now, and sleep in your bedroom, dressed so little? Anshan, don't tell me that it's the teacher's mother who attracts you with such behavior, but you are always indifferent. I don't believe it! I don't believe it Park Yunmin can't help but roar, and suddenly has a feeling of broken love dreams.

"Yes! It's what you think it is! " Su Mengjiao can't help but honestly said.

"Jiaojiao!" An Shan takes a look at Su Mengjiao. He really doesn't want Park Yunmin to know about this. If Park Yunmin knows, then maybe Su Mengjiao's husband who doesn't love her will know about it. He was really worried that her husband would fight against her. He was afraid that Su Mengjiao would be hurt.

"Jiaojiao?" Park Yunmin sneered again, "it's all called so close, and said that there's nothing between you?! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard! You think I'm a three-year-old kid and easy to cheat, don't you? Anshan, if you don't like me, you can say so. Why didn't you accept me, but you didn't refuse my kindness? I thought you saw my kindness to you. I thought you were testing me. I thought you would understand my heart one day and accept me I really did not expect, you already and other woman bed together, you still want to cheat me that you have no girlfriend! Anshan, what kind of person are you? Why do I find out that I don't know you at all in the end? Why do you do this to me? Why? " Park Yunmin can not help but tears, in love, park Yunmin feel that he has failed for the third time.

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