"Good!" Anshan could not help saying, "then wait for you to give birth to the child, to see whether the child is mine or Chunichi Tanaka."

"What do you say?" Park Yunmin looks at an Shan nervously. He looks resolute, as if he knows everything, which makes him feel flustered! However, she still pretended to be calm and said to Anshan, "OK! So I'll give birth to the baby. If it's yours, what are you going to do? "

"The child can't be mine!" Anshan looked at Park Yunmin with very sharp eyes and said to her, "so, there is no if at all."

"Anshan, I can assure you that this child is 100% yours. Because in those days when I was with Tanaka, I didn't have anything substantive to do with him. At most, I held hands and hugged him. There was no more. This child can't be anyone else's except you. Anshan, what you said today not only chills my heart, but also makes me feel helpless and disappointed in my feelings for you. It also makes me see through the ruined feelings, and it is also a defamation of my personality! How can I do that with you while I'm with Tanaka Chun? Do you think I'm a woman with a messy life? Do you think I will be as shameless as Su Mengjiao? " Park Yunmin said to Anshan in despair.

"Yunmin, please don't talk about everything. I know what kind of woman Jiaojiao is An Shan said to park Yunmin calmly.

"You know? How long have you known Su Mengjiao? Do you know her so well Park Yunmin couldn't help saying to Anshan, "a few days ago, you swore that feiluoxiwei would not marry. In the twinkling of an eye, you lived with Su Mengjiao? Anshan, have you known Su Mengjiao for less than three days? I remember a week ago, you were still obedient to me, although at that time I knew that you were obedient to me not because you like me, but because of my thanks for helping you and the guilt of not liking me. Now you tell me that you know a woman who has known you for less than three days! Anshan, don't you think it's ridiculous to say that? "

Su Mengjiao's eyes show a little shame, see Anshan so protect her, her heart is very moved, Anshan simply bear too much for her!

"No!" Anshan took a serious look at Su Mengjiao and said to her, "I have known Jiaojiao for nearly ten years."

Anshan's words make su Mengjiao suddenly feel very surprised, but also enough to make park Yunmin feel stunned. She did not expect that Anshan would give such an answer! However, park Yunmin will not believe that they have known each other for so long!

An Shan gave a light smile and said to park Yunmin, "you may not believe it, but it is true. I knew Jiaojiao when she started writing novels. Although she wanted to be famous when she was a writer, she didn't want to be famous when she was growing up. Jiaojiao is my first teacher, whether in writing or in love. She taught me a lot. " Speaking of this, an Shan can't help but take a glance at Su Mengjiao and smile knowingly.

After listening to Su Mengjiao, her face "Shua" turned red.

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