"What to do, Anshan?" Su Mengjiao looked at an Shan seriously and asked, "the waiter Will you tell me what I saw today? "

"It shouldn't be." Anshan comforted, "we are not big people. Besides, even if we have a little fame in China, we don't have any fame in America. So I don't think he's paying so much attention to our business? "

"But What if he told us about us? " Su Mengjiao is still worried.

"Oh At this time, park Yunmin said sarcastically with a smile, "it seems that some people really dare not to be! Since they have done such shady things, why are you so afraid? According to me, since you have already done these things, you should think about the consequences. Sooner or later, people will find out and speak out. Besides, even if the waiter didn't say it, I wouldn't. It's really strange. Why do you worry that the waiter will tell you about you, but you are not afraid that I will tell you about you and Anshan? "

"Yunmin, you won't. You're not a bad girl. It doesn't do you any good to publicize such a thing. You're not the kind of person who likes to chew your tongue, are you? Yunmin, I know that you are different from others. " Su Mengjiao said to park Yunmin.

"I'm different from others? Where is my park Yunmin different from others? Like others, I have both hands and feet, two eyes, one nose and one mouth. How can I be different from others? I park Yunmin is an ordinary girl. Other girls are eager for love and hope that their children in their stomachs can get the love of their father. So do I. I am just like others. I am not a saint! " Park Yunmin said indignantly.

"Yunmin, I don't mean that..." Seeing that park Yunmin was a little excited, Su Mengjiao said to park Yunmin, "I mean You are a kind-hearted girl, and you will never gossip. Yunmin, I have been in contact with you for a while in China. I know you are not like that. "

"I'm sorry, Su Mengjiao. You're wrong. " Park Yunmin disdainfully looked at Su Mengjiao and said to her, "I'm not really a gossip. But that doesn't mean I won't tell the story. Because Even if I tell the story, it can only be regarded as telling the truth, rather than gossip

"Yunmin! You can't talk about it! " Anshan looked at Park Yunmin excitedly and said to her, "it's my fault. After all, I'm a man. I didn't control my deep desire for Jiaojiao If you want to blame, I'm the one to blame for all this. If it's all over, you'll get out of here

"After all, you still think for her everywhere? Anshan, it seems that Su Mengjiao's poison is not shallow! You didn't expect that you would soon be popular in the United States. If this matter is said, it will affect your reputation? Su Mengjiao is just a famous writer in Jiangchuan. She is not famous at home, let alone have any chance to survive and develop abroad. You don't worry about your bright future, but you worry about the future of an ant in the literary world? Anshan, you are so poisoned by Su Mengjiao! "

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