"What are you talking about, mountain?" Su Mengjiao could not help but glance at an Shan and said to him, "yours is mine, mine is yours. What do you mean to borrow from me? Will not all my money be yours? And your money, of course, is mine Su Mengjiao said with pride.

"No Mine is yours, yours or yours... " An Shan repeatedly said.

"Why, it seems that you don't want to regard what we have as one's? You don't want to be with me Su Mengjiao joked.

"No, Jiaojiao! I don't mean that! " Anshan's face was green with fright, and he quickly explained, "it's just Jiaojiao, I think it's really unfair to you... " Anshan was moved to the extreme, and his eyes were about to fall out of crystal tears.

"All right." Su Mengjiao gently grasps an Shan's hand, like a little girl, tugs at his arm and shakes it, then says to him, "what am I aggrieved? I'm just a small domestic writer, and you are a famous new writer in China. You make more money in half a year than I make in ten years What's wrong with me? It's you, fool Su Mengjiao side said, while gently put her head to an Shan, Nuogu mouth, lovely said.

"Jiaojiao I promise you that I will live up to you in this life Although Anshan is quite accomplished in literature, in reality, especially in the face of his beloved people, he suddenly becomes clumsy and doesn't know what to say.

"Let's go!" Su Mengjiao wiped her mouth forcefully, then wiped Anshan's mouth with the paper towel that had wiped her mouth, and then pulled Anshan to run out.

"To where?" Anshan doesn't know why.

"Go out and buy some breakfast for that annoying reporter." Su Mengjiao said to Anshan. Su Mengjiao looks so happy, it seems that her mood has not been affected by this thing in the morning. It seems to her that she just spent a little money. And if all this money was spent by her and Anshan, Su Mengjiao didn't feel a pity at all. As long as it is for their future and spend money, Su Mengjiao thought, everything is worth it, everything is still beautiful.

"Jiaojiao!" At this moment, looking at the mood is not affected by Su Mengjiao, Anshan's heart tutor seems to be a little sad. He said to Su Mengjiao with great guilt, "I'm sorry, I caused all this. Although I didn't understand why the door of the room was not closed last night, but I really Think about it I seem to have closed the door But maybe I have a bad memory and forgot to close the door In short I caused this. If Park Yunmin didn't come to see me yesterday, I certainly didn't open the door. If I don't open the door, I won't forget to close the door Jiaojiao, it's me who caused you to be watched and photographed by so many reporters. It's me who caused you to lose three million without any reason, and I'm responsible for you... "

"OK..." Su Mengjiao saw an Shan suddenly chattering, but felt that he was very cute. She quickly covered an Shan's mouth and said to him, "don't think about the cause and effect of this matter. Since it has happened, we will face it together. As long as the problem is solved, everything is fine. Don't let the unhappy things occupy our time together, OK

"Good!" Anshan can't help but admire Su Mengjiao. She is always so optimistic. No matter what bad things happen, she always tries to find a way to solve it, and then continues to live happily. Anshan suddenly more revered for Su Mengjiao.

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