"Cloud Yunmin An Shan can't help but be surprised! He stares at Luo song and park Yunmin standing in front of him. He is stunned! He said stupidly, "cloud Yunmin You are Just here, or have you been here all the time? "

"Is it necessary to ask?" Su Mengjiao couldn't help but glance at Park Yunmin and said, "obviously, she brought Luo song here. When Luo song was here alone just now, she must be hiding in some corner of the hotel! "

"Yunmin It's you Did you bring Roxon? " An Shan's heart palpitates.

"Well, don't blame Miss park. Whether she brought me here or not, at least she wanted to let me know the truth, not to keep me in the dark. " Luo song took a look at Park Yunmin and said.

Park Yunmin looked at Luo song, and instantly felt that his image had grown up! He suddenly felt that Luo song really said a decent man's words! She was also worried about whether roson would blame her after learning the truth, and whether he would prefer to be kept in the dark But now it seems that she is really worried. At this moment, park Yunmin can't help but feel relieved.

"Miss Park I did some research on your bank account the other day. According to the survey, your bank card has a total balance of 100000, but it has been consumed overnight. All your other credit cards are Mrs. park's sub cards, which have consumed more than 80 million yuan in the last six months. I would like to ask, what do you have to do to spend so much money? Over 80 million! I'm afraid that even President Park has not saved as much as 80 million since he graduated from university? " Luo song couldn't help asking.

"I I... " Park Yunmin hesitated, but could not speak.

"Yunmin, Luo Song said," you spent more than 80 million on me, didn't you? " Anshan asked nervously and worried.

"Yes Song Yun Min said shyly.

"Yunmin You An Shan's face suddenly pulled down, "why do you do this? You're going to stink my reputation like that

"I'm not trying to give you publicity? Isn't it because your book can be published quickly and well? Isn't your fame soaring? Anshan, I do this because I like you... " Park explains.

"But You have indirectly harmed me in the way you think you are good to me Anshan said with some sadness.

"Harm you? How could I have hurt you? Now, your book is so popular that even the contract in the United States has been signed. How can you be harmed by your fame? " Park Yunmin looks at an Shan in bewilderment, and his heart is cold. She really didn't expect that Anshan not only did not feel grateful after learning about this, but also complained that she had harmed him! Park Yunmin instantly felt that he was even more unjust than Dou E!

"In this way, others will think that I am a writer who developed by women!" Anshan said with a grudge, "I'll be very ashamed like this!"

"If you don't tell me about it, no one will know." Park Yunmin confidently said to Anshan.

"At least..." Anshan coldly looks at Luo song standing in front of him and says to park Yunmin, "this man He already felt that I was a man who depended on women

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