"Silver Bank card? " Luo song just remembered that his bank card had been handed over to Su Mengjiao! At this moment, in addition to a little bit of cash, there is no card at all! Roson looked at the waiter in amazement and said, "is cash OK?"

The waiter was stunned! He looked at roson and concluded that he didn't have so much cash on him. If so, where can he put the cash? Then, seeing that Luo song was waiting for him to answer, he said to him, "of course! Please pay fifteen thousand dollars. "

"One Fifteen thousand dollars? " Luo song was suddenly stunned. He had only a few hundred dollars left. How could he get 15000 dollars? It seems that, finally impulsive, will soon be strangled in the cradle. As a result, Luo song suddenly became a little dejected. He clubbed there in silence and could not speak.

"Don't worry, roson." Park Yunmin seems to have observed Luo song's difficulties, so he winked at him and said, "I have them here."

"How can I use your money?" "I'm a man!" said Luo song with great inferiority

"What do you mean with my money?" Park Yunmin smilingly and mischievously said to Luo song, "it's the two of us who consume together. I also have the responsibility to spend money! How can I just stand by and see spending money as a matter of your own by virtue of my being a woman? " With that, park Yunmin skillfully handed his credit card to the waiter.

"Well I'll pay you back when I get my salary Luo Song said solemnly.

"All right Park Yunmin looks at Luo song with a smile, and then looks at the waiter swiping the card. She says to Luo song, "whatever you want! It doesn't matter if you don't, I don't lack money anyway. " With these words, park Yunmin continues to hook Luo song's neck, and the two of them are led by the waiter to find the presidential suite.

However, to the surprise of Luo song and park Yunmin, the waiter took them to the room of Anshan just now. Park Yunmin's heart suddenly felt uneasy. She looked at the waiter who was leading the way in front of her and said to him, "waiter, did you go the wrong way? Isn't this where Anshan lives? "

"Miss Park, your room is next to Mr. an's room..." As the waiter said this, he crossed the residence of Anshan and came to the room next to him. Then he opened the door very neatly and said, "here it is!" The waiter said with a smile.

Luo song's mood seems more and more excited! He always held Park Yunmin in his arms until he approached the room and threw her on the sofa in the bedroom!

"You go out first." He said to the waiter.

"Sir, if you need anything, you can call the front desk." The waiter warned.

"Well, I see!" "I'll call you if you need it, but not now," he said impatiently. Let's go! We have something else to do! " At this moment, Luo song is not afraid of what the waiter knows. His wife has betrayed him, he has been completely free!

"Yes. Goodbye, sir The corner of the waiter's mouth rose slightly, and he tried to restrain himself so that he could not laugh. The moment he closed the door and turned around, he felt as if he was prying into other people's secrets, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

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