"All right, then." Park Yunmin finally sighed helplessly. Anshan would not believe her. Everything she did seemed to fail. Originally thought that as long as she achieved Anshan, even if she did not like her, Anshan would slowly have a good impression on her, slowly like her, so as to be with her. It seems that park Yunmin is too naive to think about all this. She tried hard to do so many things in silence for Anshan's future, but in the end, she just made a wedding dress for others. She couldn't help feeling deeply. However, she asked herself again and again in her heart, if she had known this ending, would she still help Anshan like this? Will you make wedding dresses for others? And the answer in her heart is: Yes!

At this time, park Yunmin's mobile phone vibrated. She took out her mobile phone and had a look. It was a pop-up news. The content above is about the recent affair between an Shan, a new writer in China, and a woman. The content makes a lot of detailed description of Anshan's mental journey, but only lightly describes Su Mengjiao. It only mentions that Su Mengjiao is also a literary and artistic young woman, and does not mention that she is also a writer, but only mentions that her husband is the senior manager of Jiangchuan yanmiao group. The article is free to intersperse a few pictures, and the important parts of the two people's bodies are coded. If there is no such code, I believe these pictures can not be transmitted to the Internet. Park Yunmin's heart palpitates. She didn't know who was so cruel that she called all the reporters here, because There are two cameras in the series of photos How cruel! Park Yunmin thought.

At this moment, park Yunmin is not the only one to see these photos. Luo song saw just very excited Park Yunmin suddenly became quiet, picked up the mobile phone as if she was attracted by something, the expression on her face became very dignified, which made Luo song feel particularly incredible! He stares at Park Yunmin's mobile phone, but seems to catch a glimpse of the two protagonists in the photo of the news!

"This..." Luo song's face was green with fear! This time, perhaps the whole country knows that there is a green grassland on his head. Originally, Luo song also wanted to bear the humiliation and treat all this as if it had not happened. In view of his own mistakes, he could allow Su Mengjiao to make another mistake. Although he clearly knows that women are not loyal physically, he is definitely no longer a husband in his heart. However, he still deceives himself and hopes that one day Su Mengjiao can come back But now If he tolerates Su Mengjiao's turning back and is willing to forgive her, then in the eyes of the people of the whole country, maybe he is a fool. He will be despised by thousands of women and ridiculed by thousands of men Luo song grabs Park Yunmin's mobile phone and searches carefully for the words on it. It turned out that the media knew everything between them before he did. Luo song only felt that he was too cowardly. In an instant, he felt that the belief that he had built on himself in his life collapsed, and he suddenly had a feeling of losing himself

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