"Brother! How can you ridicule people like that Rodin couldn't help but puckered up his mouth and said to him, "didn't you just say you don't have to worry about your business? Then I don't need you to worry about my affairs. Let's both leave each other alone, will you

"Good." Roson said to Rodin, "but There is one thing my brother has to tell you. "

"What's the matter?" Rodin asked.

"Luoxiwei is pregnant." Luo song looked at Rodin. He just wanted to shock Rodin with this news, hoping that she would give up Park Min Ho, who is impossible for her. Therefore, he only said the first half of the sentence, and Leng is the second half of the sentence "luoxiwei abortion" to suppress back.

It seems to be true! Luo Dan had some doubts that Su Mengjiao had told her that luoxiwei was pregnant. She had fabricated the story, in order to make her die for park minhao. But now, as like as two peas in a divorced couple, they are exactly the same. It seems that luoxiwei's pregnancy is a firm fact! Rodin's face suddenly turned a little ugly. She stares at Luo song, in the eye socket unexpectedly jumps out a drop of mischievous tears! She could not help burying her head and saying to Luo song very quietly, "brother, I know, I I gave up Park Min Ho. "

"This is my good sister." Luo song couldn't help patting Rodin on the shoulder and said to her, "but don't be discouraged. These days you've dressed up well. My sister's natural beauty will surely charm all the single young men in the company. Well, I have a friend who used to be a stylist of Xuehui. I asked him to take you to the mall on weekends to buy more suits for you and build more models for you. I think you will be fascinated by everyone. "

"Good." This time, Rodin did not refuse the good intentions of Luo song as usual. Instead, he agreed with him very readily.

Luo song was naturally very happy. Although his marriage was unfortunate, if Rodin could not hang himself in a tree of Park minhao, listen to his words, find a man who really loves her and find his own happiness, then he can get some comfort in his heart. Luo song looked at some sad Rodin and said to her, "OK, don't be sad. My brother is divorced, and I'm not sad. You just lost someone you never got. As long as you give up the big tree, you will find that there is a forest behind you. You will find that the world is beautiful not because of the person you love, but because of the person who loves you, because of the person who loves you, and who loves you

"I see, brother." Rodin couldn't help wiping tears and said to rosong, "by the way, I've sent someone to arrange the meeting room. The meeting will begin soon. I I'll ask President Park what else needs to be prepared. " With that, Rodin left here on high heels.

Looking at Rhodan's back, Luo song can't help feeling very uncomfortable. He suddenly felt that he and Rodin seemed to have been on a smooth track in their work, but they had been defeated emotionally. Rodin is almost thirty years old and has never been in love. As for the 40 year old Luo song himself, his wife ran away with others, and his marriage also left. Luo song thought for a while and thought that he was really a failure.

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