Of course, the president is familiar with your normal ability. We all know that luoxiwei is pregnant, but It's only in the middle of the way that we let others have the opportunity to release such news. President Park, although we all know that you have made Luo Xiwei pregnant, the major shareholders have been in China, and they do not know the news. There are also employees of the group who have been staying in China and have never been to the United States, so they certainly don't know about this kind of thing. Therefore, they are likely to believe that the news on the news is true. And when they believe this news, then It is very likely to affect the election of the chairman of the board today! " Luo song couldn't help saying to park minhao.

"It's just me and park Chi ho who are running. This pickaxe is really shameless, and even such a method has been used! " Park Min Ho couldn't help saying, "he was the first to know that Wei Wei was pregnant! Now it's better. There's fake news that I can't make a woman pregnant. His basin of water is black enough Park Min Ho said, while biting his lips tightly, his heart could not help but be very angry. He really didn't expect that his brother even used such bad means in order to get the position of chairman of the board! Park Zhihao is really a vain son of Pu Zhentian! Park Min Ho couldn't help thinking.

"President Park. When Park Zhihao learned that luoxiwei was pregnant, he did not tell you, even Luo Xiwei himself did not tell you. It can be seen that he had a sinister intention! When I think about it now, I wonder if he did something about the loss of the child. Will he deliberately let luoxiwei's child disappear, and then wait until today to deliberately release the news that you are not fertile. In this way, he will be able to secure the position of chairman. At the beginning, Mrs. Park said in front of Park Zhihao that as long as Luo Xiwei is pregnant with your child, even if the child is still in her stomach, she can get Park Zhihao down. Now think about it, is it because Park Zhihao was afraid after listening to Mrs. park's words, so he began to think carefully and hurt you and miss luoxiwei's children... "

"No way." Park Min Ho couldn't help shaking his head, "Zhihao won't do this. His bad, at most, is that he did not report the truth. He did not tell the truth, concealed the truth of the truth, and even confused the black and white, making some false news But I don't think he would do anything that would really harm people... "

"President Park, it's time to speak for park Zhihao." Luo song couldn't help looking at Park minhao with some dissatisfaction, and said to him, "at this moment, that Pu Zhihao is thinking of driving you out of yanmiao group!"

"He can't do it." Park Min Ho couldn't help biting his teeth. He clenched his fist in silence and said to Luo song, "even if I can't win the position of chairman, I won't be expelled from yanmiao group by him. After all, I am the legitimate son of Park Zhentian, and I have the right to continue to be my president park here! "

"President Park." Luo song could not help but take a look at Park Min Ho in silence, and his heart was suddenly very distressed. Then, he glanced at his mobile phone and said to park Minho, "there's a minute left. Let's go! It's time for a meeting. "

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