"Promise him! Promise him! Promise him At this time, a group of people suddenly started to coax again, clapping and clapping at the same time.

"I..." Rodin suddenly stopped talking. She didn't know that a man could love a woman for so long, and he could love her when she was ten years old! She never thought that Cheng Xiaofeng could love her so much! And she never knew that. From the age of ten, Cheng Xiaofeng has loved her for eighteen years! It's incredible for Rodin! She looked at Luo song with some touching feeling, and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Luo song could not help frowning, and then said to Cheng Xiaofeng, "good, you Cheng Xiaofeng! It turns out that you didn't really worship my talent as you said at that time! How could you have been wrong with my sister when she was so young If I had known you had this idea, I would have broken up with you at that time! "

After listening to Luo song's banter, they burst into laughter.

Luo song immediately solved Rodin's embarrassment, which made Rodin's heart not as nervous and embarrassed as just now. She could not help but look at the relaxed expression on the faces of the people. She could not help but feel relieved.

However, Cheng Xiaofeng was so mixed up by Luo song, this matter seems to be all at once. Rodin took the opportunity to give no answer. After hearing Luo song's words, Cheng Xiaofeng could not help but reply, "that's right. I guess at that time, if I were to tell the truth, you would have broken up with me. So I'm not telling the truth? But even if you want to break up now, it's too late. " Cheng Xiaofeng said with a humorous smile.

"Good, good! Come on, come on At this time, Luo song could not help but say to the crowd, "the waiter has already started to serve, let's eat quickly! Brothers, let's drink and eat meat together! Today, my brothers are not drunk With that, Luo song opened the bottle himself and began to pour wine for everyone.

Cheng Xiaofeng knew that Luo song was helping Rodin out. Therefore, he gave up and stopped talking about the pursuit of Rodin. However, he is now sitting next to Rodin, he thought, he still has the opportunity to take care of Rodin during the meal. Thinking of this, Cheng Xiaofeng can't help but feel happy. He opened the bottle very skillfully and said to Rodin, "Rodin, do you drink red wine? I'll pour it for you With that, he first picked up Rodin's glass and poured her wine.

"Oh! You are really a gentleman Suddenly someone joked, "it seems that we Xiaofeng is really a saint of love! Red wine with a beautiful woman is really good

"Come on! Man! I'll pour you a drink, too When Luo song saw that someone was making fun of Rodin, he went to pour him wine to change the topic. He just wanted to ease Rodin's embarrassment. He knew that facing such a scene, Rodin would feel a little embarrassed. After all, she was also a little girl in her twenties. Although he is nearly thirty, he is still a little girl in Luo song's eyes, and even It's always a little girl. As a brother, even though he would occasionally ridicule her and make fun of her in front of Rodin. But In front of outsiders, Luo song is still eager to protect her, take care of her, and fulfill all the responsibilities of a brother.

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