"Well All right Cheng Xiaofeng couldn't help but look at Rodin and said in silence. He had no choice but to stay in Rodin's office, constantly wandering in her office.

Seeing Cheng Xiaofeng wandering, Rodin said to Cheng Xiaofeng, "Cheng Xiaofeng, if you don't want to, even if you don't want to, I won't force you. You can go back. You don't have to pretend to be my boyfriend here. "

"I will! Of course I will! " Cheng Xiaofeng couldn't help but say to Rodin, "Rodin, I just think Will you stay here to work overtime with you People can't see it at all? So, we can't do anything like this. It's better to Shall we go out for a walk Cheng Xiaofeng can't help but suggest.

"Still not!" Luo Dan couldn't help but look up at Cheng Xiaofeng and continued, "I still have some work to do. If you are really bored, you can walk around by yourself. Please help yourself. Anyway, I'm in yanmiao group every day. I don't think there's anything to go around here. "

"Well..." Cheng Xiaofeng thought about it and said to Rodin, "I'd better stay with you in the office! So we're more like lovers. Otherwise, if you add your class, I will visit mine, so It seems strange to me that my boyfriend is so pathetic that I have no girlfriend to accompany me. I'm wandering around pathetically... "

Rodin couldn't help but look up at Cheng Xiaofeng again. I didn't expect that such a pretended boyfriend of his should consider so much! Rodin, however, did not want to think about it. She just looked at Cheng Xiaofeng lightly and said to him, "well Please do as you please With that, Rodin went on with his work.

Rodin's reaction simply made Cheng Xiaofeng feel particularly sad. However, Cheng Xiaofeng didn't say much. He just sat down on the sofa beside him. He could not help looking at Rodin. Then he sat there alone and sighed.

Rodin has noticed Cheng Xiaofeng's move. She did not have much strength to pay attention to Cheng Xiaofeng, just continued to do things on her own, and then, she let Cheng Xiaofeng pester there alone, no longer pay attention to him.

For a long time, Cheng Xiaofeng sat quietly on the sofa. When Cheng Xiaofeng could no longer restrain his temperament, he finally stood up. At this station, he almost jumped Rodin.

Luo Dan stares at Cheng Xiaofeng silently and says, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Cheng Xiaofeng took a look at Rodin and said to her, "I I want to walk around, can I? "Cheng Xiaofeng said politely to Rodin.

"Of course." Luo Dan said to Cheng Xiaofeng without expression, "you are welcome."

Cheng Xiaofeng got up and left slowly. He took a look at Rodin and involuntarily said "see you later" to her. Then he disappeared from Rodin's office.

Rodin finally felt the peace. She couldn't help but look at the empty office around her, and she felt very happy in silence! Cheng Xiaofeng's "boyfriend", this fake boyfriend, Rodin really does not want to see

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