Finally, when he arrived downstairs, a faint smile appeared in Rodin's mouth. Of course, heart drive Cheng Xiaofeng did not find Rodin's subtle smile. He stopped the car in a parking space downstairs, then, taking a serious look at Rodin, he said to her, "it should be here."

"Yes." Rodin got out of the car with a smile, and then she walked into the shop with the sign of "Jiangchuan special noodle shop".

However, what Cheng Xiaofeng never thought of was that it turned out to be a noodle shop with unique characteristics. Although the sign says "Jiangchuan characteristic noodle shop", it is actually a bar! Cheng Xiaofeng can't help but feel stunned! He was stunned to see the house in front of him, which looked ugly, but the brightly lit "noodle shop" in front of him could not help feeling particularly shocked. What makes Cheng Xiaofeng even more shocked is that a serious girl like Rodin should come to such a place! And Rodin seems to be very familiar with here. Yes, it makes Cheng Xiaofeng feel a little puzzled. He suddenly recalled what happened yesterday. Cheng Xiaofeng, who had thought that Rodin was no longer his daughter, saw the bright red rose on the sofa. He could not help feeling both joy and regret. To his delight and surprise, he did not think that there were really 28 year old daisies in the world! The purity of Rodin suddenly makes Cheng Xiaofeng look at him with great admiration. At the same time, he felt helpless and regret that he had destroyed Rodin's purity, and felt that he was simply not a human being. But now, when he saw Rodin looking at the sign of "Jiangchuan characteristic noodle shop" with such joy, he could not help but have some doubts in his heart: was the blood red on Rodin's sofa last night? Is she really that pure? Could he have read it wrong? Maybe it's just a rose printed on the sofa. However, Rodin's sofa seems to be a piece of blue, there is not even a flower on it, just pure blue. He still remembered that the blooming rose was so bright, so dazzling, so proud and independent If it's really the rose that the sofa originally had, how could there be only one under Rodin's body? It's almost impossible! Cheng Xiaofeng looked at Rodin in great confusion and said to her, "Rodin, are you sure you want to come here? This is a bar. "

"I know." Rodin couldn't help but smile and walked confidently into the noodle shop.

Cheng Xiaofeng some doubt to follow behind Rodin, quietly watching everything here. This "noodle shop" simply refreshes Cheng Xiaofeng's understanding of bars. He really didn't expect that the bar could still do this! However, what Cheng Xiaofeng doesn't understand is why it looks so splendid inside. All the decoration styles inside are the same as those of bars, while the people who come here to consume seem to be some People who don't look very rich. From the clothing of customers, Cheng Xiaofeng can see that they can not be rich, and even, most of them are poor. He doesn't understand the meaning of this bar. Can a bar like this make money? Cheng Xiaofeng thinks that this is really a questionable problem. , the fastest update of the webnovel!