"Yes." At this time, Rodin seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly stopped crying. She looked at him seriously and said, "guess who I saw just now?"

"Who do you see?" Roson looked at Rodin curiously. He couldn't guess.

“Jessica! I saw Jessica! " Rodin said to him excitedly, "when I came out of my noodle shop, I saw Jessica and park Zhihao. They looked furtive, and I heard some of their conversation. Elder brother, as expected, Min Hao didn't expect that Jessica was the man of Park Zhihao. Park Zhihao said that when Jessica has completed the task assigned to her by park Zhihao, he will give her enough money for her pension and let her leave yanmiao group. "

"Mission? What task? " Luo song asked closely.

"I don't know." Rodin shook his head, "Park Zhihao did not say. Elder brother, park Zhihao has been sitting on the position of chairman of the board. What is his dissatisfaction? What else does he want to do with Min Ho? Min Ho Isn't life-threatening? "

"Look at you." At this time, Luo song looked at Rodin reproachfully and said to her, "I just cried now. Now it's your turn to talk about Park Min Ho. You are so concerned. Rodin, your love for Min Ho, even if you can get 5% response from Park Min Ho, then my brother will not stop you from loving him. But now you are like this, for the sake of Min Ho, you don't care about yourself at all. It makes my brother very sad

"Brother..." Rodin could not help but scatter a coquettish, said to Luo song, "worth or not, I know. There's no reason to love someone. Don't stop me from loving Minho, OK? Even if it is only one-sided pay, at least it can let me feel the loss of love

"What about Xiaofeng? You reject him. If the person who happened to you just now is not Cheng Xiaofeng, but Pu minhao, would you not have such a strong reaction, instead It's too late to be happy? " Luo song couldn't help saying a big truth.

"Yes Rodin admitted very honestly, "yes, I love Minho so hard that I can't change it in my life. Brother, please, don't mind my business, will you

"But Xiaofeng is your boyfriend." Luo Song said, "he is not a fool for your attitude towards Xiaofeng. He can feel it. In particular, you are his girlfriend, but refuse to have any intimate action with him. Maybe he will take into account your feelings at the beginning, but over time, he will feel unfair in his heart, and this kind of psychology is not conducive to the relationship between you. Long term unilateral pay, will regret! Don't waste your feelings when Xiaofeng is finished

"True love, even if it is unilateral, is also willing, will certainly have no regrets, just like I did to Min Hao." Rodin gave a light smile and said to Luo song, "if Cheng Xiaofeng doesn't like me one day, it's fate that I shouldn't be with him. Well, brother, don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing

"I'm afraid it's a vicious circle. You constantly hurt Xiaofeng emotionally, more afraid that he will hurt you physically. " Luo Song said very worried.

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