"Zhihao, you can't do this!" Park minhao excitedly said to park Zhihao, "I am saving yanmiao group and you! You must not be stubborn. You will not only destroy yanmiao group, but also yourself

"Min Ho." Park Zhihao looked at Park Min Ho with a winning general's attitude, patted him on the shoulder, put on a friendly elder brother's posture on his face, and whispered in his ear, "Min Ho, accept the reality! If you lose, you lose. Don't struggle with death. It's useless. Now, yanmiao group is completely my own. It's useless for you to struggle again. "

"The pickaxe Are you really going to push me? " Park minhao felt helpless. It seemed that even if he didn't want to use the last killer's mace, at the moment, in order not to let yanmiao group go to the end, he had to use it. Although in the heart has all kinds of unbearable, but he absolutely can't let Park Zhihao destroy his father's lifelong efforts.

"What? You mean you still have a big idea, don't you? " Park Chih ho sneered and said to him, "good! If you have anything else, you can do it. I'm not afraid of you. What else can you do? Can you make a change? " Park felt particularly confident.

"Zhihao, you forced me to..." The corners of Park Min Ho's mouth wriggled, and his eyes suddenly moistened. He knew that if this incident broke out in front of the media, it would certainly affect Zhihao's reputation. Maybe Zhihao would have no relationship with yanmiao group after that, or even he might At least in the short term, it will be affected by various negative news, and may also be followed and questioned by various media However, for the sake of yanmiao group, park minhao had to make up his mind to maintain the reputation of yanmiao group to the end!

"Come on, don't be like a woman. If you have any tricks, just let your horse come. You are not afraid of me Park Zhihao said with a disdainful glance at Park Min Ho.

"Good!" Park Min Ho's mouth wriggled. He winked at Luo Xiwei. Finally, Luo Xiwei pushed a wheelchair and walked in. The reporters cooperated very well to make way for him. Although the hall was very crowded, they had to let Luo Xiwei come in front of the old man in the wheelchair, even though it was difficult for them.

Looking at the wheelchair, the old man who was over 60 years old, all the reporters were shocked! People are speechless! Just a few days ago, they heard about the news that park Zhentian had died in the United States. Some people said that park Zhentian had gone to the United States for medical treatment, and that he died without treatment. In other words, the purpose of the fire is to kill people. Of course, some people said that park Zhentian was murdered by other methods. As for whether they have caught the culprit who killed Park Zhentian, they say their words outside. In short, the whole Jiangchuan was shocked and surprised by the complicated death of Pu Zhentian! And when people have not come out of such a surprise, but do not want Park Min Ho to give them a heavy blow!

Park Zhentian suddenly came alive! The old man was staring at them!

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