The list has long been in my mind. Most of them are daily necessities such as oil, salt and rice. Occasionally, they are mixed with some special needs of the neighbors, which can be easily reported.

The man quickly counted out the goods according to the light action, and put all kinds of goods into the basket, almost 30 to 40 Jin.

Later, luobeibei bought more than ten jin eggs for the snake demon mother-in-law Shi, and took them to the old widow Zhang's home at the back of the grocery store. She was asked to tie them one by one with specially made straw ropes.

Widow Zhang is lonely and helpless. She is also a poor person who lives by hard work. She can only give her a little work each month.

Widow Zhang was very happy to see her, and immediately began to work diligently with her slightly lame right leg.

So many eggs need to be worn. In order to avoid bumping and breaking, we need to be careful and skillful. It's also a meticulous job. How to say, it takes at least half an hour.

For this time, luobeibei naturally knew it well, so he kept the things he had bought in the old widow's house, and then went out to the zhifen shop to exchange a whole set of rouge powder made by the peony flower demon for 100 Liang silver.

Yanrao is a flower demon. Originally, she is good at making these things. The rouge powder is always very popular. Because the flower demon is lazy, she only makes it once in a while when she needs it. It's rare and expensive. On the contrary, she can get a good price every time. Of course, the things she needs are not cheap, and her reward is only a few Liang in the end.

However, thanks to the flower demon, the owner of zhifen shop is very polite to her every time. He always gives her some extra snacks, which is a small harvest.

After being sent out by the enthusiastic fat powder shop owner, luobeibei remembered that the weather would turn cold soon, so he went straight to the cloth shop, pulled a piece of cotton cloth, asked for ten jin of cotton and some needles and thread, and then went to the pub to pour a pot of Shaojiu.

After all this, my stomach is already growling.

It's neither breakfast time nor lunch time at this moment. Widow Zhang only eats two meals a day, and the old man's legs are not good. It's not easy to collect firewood at ordinary times, so luobeibei usually doesn't eat at widow Zhang's house.

Pinching the thin purse and well wrapped snacks in his arms, luobeibei strode to the street without thinking much. He ordered two yellow steamed buns and a bowl of vegetable soup and ate them quickly.

With warm food in my stomach, my tired spirit soon recovered.

A random sweep of the street, the morning market has basically ended, most of the people gathered in all directions have closed the stalls, the shops on both sides of the street guests are also much less.

Luobeibei just stood up, straightened his clothes, carried the basket, and went to the elegant and popular Pavilion, which monopolized the four treasures of the study.

The boss of the elegant and popular Pavilion is an old scholar in his forties. He is a local. He has been out for more than ten years, but he has never won back half an official. However, those who can provide for their children to study for a long time are not in a bad family. Frustrated, Fang simply went back to his hometown and opened this elegant and popular Pavilion. In his spare time, he would paint and write by himself and hang it on the hall for sale.

As the name suggests, this elegant and popular Pavilion is really a place where both refined and popular tastes can be enjoyed. The things on the first floor are ordinary, and the prices are flat. The people who are a little rich can afford to buy them. On the second floor, they are dedicated to entertaining elegant and distinguished guests, and the expensive and cheap businesses do not conflict.

When luobeibei came in, Fang Xiucai was frowning at the counter, as if thinking about something difficult. When she saw her, her eyes, which had been damaged by the book reading, suddenly narrowed. Not only did the clouds disperse, but also a trace of obscene smile appeared in her eyes.

Luobei can't help but have a black face: "boss Fang, can you not show this expression every time you see me? If others don't know, they think you have some strange hobbies?"

"What strange hobby is there?" Fang laoxiucai blew the very neat beard, glared and said, "it's your hobby that's strange!"

"Come on, you know I didn't buy it for you." Luobeibei feels that he has been trained by the flower demon for several years, and his face has been thick for several layers. "Boss Fang, you'd better put away your look, or you'll be seen by others. Maybe you won't come to your shop in the future."

"Cough..." On hearing this, Fang immediately straightened her dress and made a gesture of "please, little brother, please come to the second floor."

Eh, I'm going to the second floor today. It seems that there are some special goods this time!

After all, luobeibei was young and curious. He put the basket behind his counter and followed him upstairs.

Entering the elegant room, Fang laoxiucai put on the thief smile again and took two paintings out of a secret lattice.

One of them is still fresh in ink. It seems that it was painted today. The painting is black and white, with only a few strokes on the background. It is very simple, but as soon as it is spread out, there is a gorgeous and noble atmosphere.

The picture shows a young man with a jade crown on his head and a proud posture. He is standing on the high jade steps of the palace with his body on his side. He turns his head slightly and looks over.

The lines and features on his face are very distinctive. The perfect eyebrow is almost inserted into the sideburns. The straight nose seems to be cut like an axe, and there is no flaw of half silk. Even though the lip is thinner, it has a very arrogant taste when it is only slightly sipped. Even if there is only half a face, it is still full of strong and overbearing, and I am the only one in the sky and the earth It's a very good feeling.Looking at this man, Luobei seems to see a round of scorching sun that suddenly spurts out and attracts people's soul.

It's gorgeous and brilliant, but it seems to be arrogant and arrogant. It doesn't allow ordinary people to get close to half of it to desecrate it. Everyone has to worship him. It's arrogant and isolated.

For a time, Luobei was taken by his overbearing force. He was shocked for a long time before he reluctantly recovered.

Although aunt yanrao has always been partial to the gentle type of human beings, especially those sour scholars who are useless in her eyes, the man in the painting is really excellent. I believe even aunt yanrao who has a special preference will like it.

However, this painting must not be cheap.

Thinking that she was only a hundred taels of silver, luobeibei soon calmed down and commented with a feigned sophistication: "boss Fang, although I think the person in this painting looks very impressive, you know my sister's habit. She won't even look at the type she doesn't like. Let's look at another one."

Fang laoxiu didn't say anything. He opened another one directly.

This time, he deliberately slowed down.

As the picture unfolds, the first step is to enter the mountains covered by clouds and fog. The peaks are scattered in the sea of clouds. The sky is blue on the top of the mountain. A few streams of flowing clouds are leisurely and comfortable. There are many waterfalls in the mountains. The rivers are winding. A few cranes are flying gracefully, just like the place of immortals.

Then, it is slowly close-up, a white man with only one white belt finally appears.

Unlike the overbearing man in front, this man in white has a very low proportion in the whole picture, and his face is rather blurred because he is looking down at a butterfly in his hand. However, from this point of view, his long eyelashes become the most prominent description. People just look at the eyelashes and feel that he must have a pair of beautiful eyebrows and eyes. They can't help leaning forward, as if they can see his face more closely.

The main body of the painting is also black and white, but the butterfly on the man's hand is painted with bright colors. At first glance, it seems to be the finishing touch of the painting, which makes the painting vivid.

However, keluobeibei thinks that the man with his head down and eyebrows down is the soul of the painting. Without him, the fine brushwork of the painting is no more exquisite than a dead thing.

If the man in the first painting is like a raging river, which is daunting, then the man in white in the second painting is like a free white cloud in the blue sky, which makes people yearn for it leisurely. ##### , the fastest update of the webnovel!