"Beibei..." But Luo Lan's heart couldn't manage these things. Two fingers trembled and pressed her neck pulse, until it was determined that although the pulse was weak, it was still beating, and then the whole person was paralyzed, "Dashan Beibei is still alive... "

Dashan was also in a hurry before her explanation, and then she remembered that she had a blood contract with luobeibei. If she died, he would surely feel that the fury around her would immediately converge. He turned to look at their mother and daughter with joy, but after only one look, he immediately stood guard in front of them and looked warily at the leopard demon and tiger lying on both sides Demon.

The two demons did not pay attention to him. Instead, they changed into human form and hugged each other stumbledly. One was called elder sister, and the other was called younger sister.

Just now, although their means seem endless, in fact, it is very difficult to hurt the root of the devil. If the stalemate continues, the situation is still unknown. Now the devil is afraid to escape, but it is a fluke.

"Dashan, go and help. Use the sinkhole to deal with the crocodile demon. Let's come first." After confirming that his daughter was still alive, Luolan's heart settled down again, but he was weak for a few breath, so he quickly told Dashan to concentrate all his strength, so as to avoid the devil's cunning return.

Dashan personally tested the defense ability of Mu Aoxing's treasure clothes. After hearing the words, he immediately ran to the direction of Yun hanchu, Mu Aoxing and others.

Luo Lan heart this just sees to that help of tiger demon, just at the same time month Snow's vision also projected to her to come over.

Two people line of sight a pair, immediately all stunned.

"Sister Lan Xin?"

"Month Snow

They both called and took it.

"I finally found you..."

"Why are you here?"

Rao Shi Lian Yue was so cold that he couldn't help but be stunned: "elder sister Do you know each other? "

Yuexue looks at Luolan, her heart is smiling and weeping, but she still doesn't forget to order lianyue first.

Lian Yue's eyes immediately showed cold light, and she waved her hand to make those pregnant women who were still moaning faintly, so as not to be heard by these mortals.

Yue Xue sighed to her: "Lian Yue, this is the second elder of our demon clan who has been missing for more than ten years."

"I'm still the second elder. I don't need to mention the past." although Luo Lanxin is also full of emotion, she is calmer than her. She just smiles at Yuexue politely. "Yuexue, long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see, sister Lanxin." With the help of lianyue, Yuexue comes to the mother and daughter step by step. She doesn't mind if she doesn't withdraw her defense. She just looks at Luobei in Luolan's heart with emotion, "Lanxin elder sister, she is your daughter!"

"Yes, her name is Beibei." Luolan heart is full of love to look at her daughter, "she is very good, very sensible, but I when the mother is too useless, always can't protect her."

I think of my daughter's suffering, and tears fall down.

"Lanxin elder sister, you don't need to blame yourself. This devil is very powerful. You see, isn't it that even I have been arrested?" The moon Snow Demon's power didn't fully recover, so she continued to burn hard. At this time, she couldn't hold on, so she simply sat down on the spot.

"By the way, why are you here?" Luo Lan's heart then remembered where this place was. She looked at her abdomen immediately, and then her eyes brightened, "do you have it?"

"Well There is... " Yuexue gently stroked her slightly convex abdomen.

Luo Lan's heart suddenly became nervous: "did the child ever get in the way?"

"It's OK. The child is very skinny." Yuexue patted her stomach with pride, showing her maternal love.

"How can you run around with children?" Luo Lan's eyebrows were loose at first, and then frowned. Worried, he could not help scolding, "how old is it? Why is it not important? Can you tell how difficult it is for you to conceive a child? Why do you come here when you don't stay at home? "

Yuexue did not answer, but said: "you still talk about me, Lanxin elder sister. How can you be so cruel and not contact us for so many years?"

Luo Lanxin's face suddenly changed, and she was still pondering her words. Lian Yue suddenly said coldly: "my sister came to Lu'an County after receiving a letter."

"Letter? What letter? " Luo Lan was stunned and looked at Yuexue. However, she looked a little strange. She was stunned, "isn't it He wrote to you? "

Yuexue nodded: "after I received the letter, I came in a hurry. Unexpectedly, I fell into the hands of the devil."

"I'm still implicating my sister..." Luo Lan's heart gave a sad smile. He thought of the messenger. He was in a state of mind and didn't know what it was like. Then he thought of the current situation. His face suddenly changed. "No, they're coming soon."

Said, busy throw out a spirit pet bag: "on snow, quickly hide." Lian Yue is the spirit pet of Yun hanchu. He has his own explanation. If he is seen by a monk as Yue Xue, it is extremely dangerous.When yuexuedun said, "this is a pet bag. I..."

"It's time. Is it face or the life of your baby?" Lolan is worthy of being a mother. She pokes her to the point with a word, "if you don't go in, it's too late? Do you want to be dissected by the Terran

Yuexue has to bite her teeth and get into lingpet bag. Luolanxin grabs lingpet bag quickly.

As soon as she put away the bag, she saw that the cloud in the deep cave rushed over at the beginning of the cold. Then she followed the other friars closely. She saw that Luolan was holding luobeibei safely, and her treasure clothes were shining. She just walked.

"Master." Lian Yue immediately stood beside him.

"Mrs. Luo, how is the younger martial sister?" Yun hanchu nodded to her and focused on the pale face of Luobei.

"I suffered a shoulder injury and lost a lot of blood essence, but it didn't hurt at all." Luolan heart comfortable mouth airway, then see Dashan pull Mu Ao star's arm also ran over, "that crocodile demon?"

"As soon as the demon man escaped, the crocodile demon was no longer under his control. Dashan used the ground subsidence technique in time and caught the crocodile demon off guard. Now he has been caught by the worship." Although Mu Aoxing didn't have lingchong to send a message in time in the dark, Fang Tianji, who was accepted by him, was in the body of luobeibei, and had a pair of eyes here. However, although he had already known that luobeibei was ok, he could see that the little girl's eyes were closed and her eyelashes did not tremble. He knew that she had suffered a lot, but he could not help but feel nervous about her injury.

"We shouldn't stay long this time. Let's go out first." Yun hanchu suggested that his face, which was already cold, was even more expressionless at the moment.

"Wait a minute." Mu Ao star is to feel a dagger, toward the top of the head of the yellow stone is a throw. Perhaps the prohibition has been broken, just listen to a clang, the yellow stone fell down, "Dashan, these stones are useful to Beibei, you pry them down."

As soon as Dashan heard that it was useful to luobeibei, no matter what it was, he immediately raised his sword and cut it all the way. After a while, he came back with a bag full of stones.

The curtain fell in the eyes of the people who came one after another. They were puzzled, but no matter who had any objection, they only focused on Lian Yue.

The monk, who was just in the period of refining Qi, thought that she was also captured by the devil. Yu gongfeng and other people could see that Lian Yue was a demon at a glance. If she had not hung her head and stood behind Yun hanchu, she would have drawn a sword.

Luolanxin only said to Mu Aoxing: "Prince 19, there are many pregnant women who have been captured by demons. I'm afraid many of them have been injured. Please send someone to check them as soon as possible."

Mu Aoxing takes a look at the people waiting behind him. The people of the Liu family don't have to tell them any more, so they all go to open the iron cage consciously. Naturally, Yu Gong can only send people to clean up the mess.

In such a life and death war, innocent pregnant women will inevitably suffer, especially at the end where crocodile demons sweep all the way. After they are sure that they are finally safe, they all cry, which makes a lot of men headache.

It was the pregnant woman who was in labor and would have been taken away by the devil later, but she stood firm at the most critical moment of her life and finally gave birth safely. #PS: more, more! ^_ ^

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